Public procurement
Lucrari de înlocuire a tîmplăriei la IET 160
Enquiry period
with 01.11.2024 08:35
to 07.11.2024 10:00
to 07.11.2024 10:00
Bidding period
with 07.11.2024 10:00
to 14.11.2024 10:00
to 14.11.2024 10:00
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
163 265 MDL
Period of clarifications:
1 Nov 2024, 8:35 - 7 Nov 2024, 10:00
Submission of proposals:
7 Nov 2024, 10:00 - 14 Nov 2024, 10:00
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Lucrari de înlocuire a tîmplăriei la IET 160
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD 2068, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str.Kiev 5a
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
1 Nov 2024, 8:09
Date modified
1 Nov 2024, 8:35
Estimated value (without VAT)
163 265 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Request price offers (works)
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD 2068, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str.Kiev 5a
Contract period
25 Nov 2024 08:00 - 31 Dec 2024 08:11
List of positions
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Vatel Prim
Normalized price:
110 000,42 MDL
a prezentat toate actele solicitate, devizele sunt conforme și prețul avantajos.
15.11.24 11:38
Reason: a prezentat toate actele solicitate, devizele sunt conforme și prețul avantajos.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
anexa nr.7;8;10;12;13;14;15;16;17.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.7;8;10;12;13;14;15;16;17.semnat.pdf
ID: 01e38257-8c04-47b7-ab5c-96762b09d314
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
scrisoare de recomandare lopatnic.semnat.pdf
scrisoare de recomandare lopatnic.semnat.pdf
ID: 11647b84-a225-480f-bb52-c6b25fdd4568
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1920874.semnat.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1920874.semnat.pdf
ID: 203bed2f-b69c-4b7e-a41a-217f42ac59a6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
certificat de atribuire a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
certificat de atribuire a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
ID: 34744664-de16-4109-b645-9f4451cff863
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:37
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
contract;dets sec.centru;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;gimnaziul a.paunescu.semnat.pdf
contract;dets sec.centru;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;gimnaziul a.paunescu.semnat.pdf
ID: 430aea46-3c1c-4e5b-81df-916f0199d728
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
contract;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;primaria lopatnic_compressed.semnat.pdf
contract;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;primaria lopatnic_compressed.semnat.pdf
ID: 43620017-5e43-4ba2-8843-a6a6f2d6279f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
certificat de atestare tehnico-profisionala_nou.semnat.pdf
certificat de atestare tehnico-profisionala_nou.semnat.pdf
ID: 6baa47aa-4760-4937-bd06-9880086e146d
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
contract;dets sec.buiucani;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;lt m. marinciuc.semnat.pdf
contract;dets sec.buiucani;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;lt m. marinciuc.semnat.pdf
ID: 6bdc1fef-30a0-405c-a209-8a9cc98e4a56
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
certificat de instruire in domeniul relatiilor de munca.semnat.pdf
certificat de instruire in domeniul relatiilor de munca.semnat.pdf
ID: 7909f445-a173-429f-9f80-7b931dd11d85
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
informartii generale despre ofertant 2023.semnat.pdf
informartii generale despre ofertant 2023.semnat.pdf
ID: 7d607189-90c3-4216-9ba1-eb2ec1b4ec0f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
contract;dets sec.riscani;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;scoala auxiliara nr.6.semnat.pdf
contract;dets sec.riscani;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;scoala auxiliara nr.6.semnat.pdf
ID: 8ae701a1-f26b-4ba4-923e-aab48f40fe24
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
scrisoare recomandare l.t. “g. calinescu”.semnat.pdf
scrisoare recomandare l.t. “g. calinescu”.semnat.pdf
ID: 93ae201c-c51b-40ff-b04d-03c9b36fb6b4
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
contract;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;dets sec.riscani;lt g. calinescu.semnat.pdf
contract;proces verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor;dets sec.riscani;lt g. calinescu.semnat.pdf
ID: aca33713-1958-4372-8355-04b1ba610c11
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
garantie bancara transfer.semnat.pdf
garantie bancara transfer.semnat.pdf
ID: b890e674-287a-4460-ad57-99e52b63bd94
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
certificat de inregistrare a intreprinderei si extrasul_2024.semnat.pdf
certificat de inregistrare a intreprinderei si extrasul_2024.semnat.pdf
ID: cf0ec17f-0f21-4637-a59c-7453764541b8
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
perioada de garantie asupra lucrarilor.semnat (3).pdf
perioada de garantie asupra lucrarilor.semnat (3).pdf
ID: d01d2642-f3f1-4fd2-8dfd-d77b43a6bbf3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
avizul agentiei pentru supravegerea tehnica_2024.semnat.pdf
avizul agentiei pentru supravegerea tehnica_2024.semnat.pdf
ID: f25a9058-7f5e-4ec7-a932-8c30b06f52c2
Qualification documents
Date of download:
9.11.24 19:38
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:26
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
122 722,88 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
14.11.24 10:48
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
anexa nr 7 cerere de participare.signed.pdf
anexa nr 7 cerere de participare.signed.pdf
ID: de740bed-6142-48b2-97b1-9828d49813f0
Documents of submission
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:00
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:00
atestarea cunoștințelor în domeniul securității în muncă.semnat.pdf
atestarea cunoștințelor în domeniul securității în muncă.semnat.pdf
ID: 087be316-f232-4411-a968-6067e436214d
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr.14 privind dotările specifice, utilajul şi echipamentul necesar pentru îndeplinirea corespunzătoare a contractului.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.14 privind dotările specifice, utilajul şi echipamentul necesar pentru îndeplinirea corespunzătoare a contractului.semnat.pdf
ID: 0e331f66-1c18-405a-a1e7-3825bdcf8842
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat iso 45001;2018.semnat.pdf
certificat iso 45001;2018.semnat.pdf
ID: 14798829-2487-4b64-a9b7-93c37ff630f9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
scrisoare de recomandare 1.semnat.pdf
scrisoare de recomandare 1.semnat.pdf
ID: 2b0ca104-3e3f-47d8-ad2d-6b4e27c7062f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat de conformitate aluminiu.semnat.pdf
certificat de conformitate aluminiu.semnat.pdf
ID: 2fd9e7b5-4533-4b9a-9fc3-71b49fb6613d
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
contract +proces-verbal privind experiență similara centru de plasamen pentru persone virsnici si persoane cu dezabilitati semnat (2).pdf
contract +proces-verbal privind experiență similara centru de plasamen pentru persone virsnici si persoane cu dezabilitati semnat (2).pdf
ID: 3bb0c35e-7197-471d-b53b-2777e8c513a8
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificatul de atestare dirigintelui de santier.semnat.pdf
certificatul de atestare dirigintelui de santier.semnat.pdf
ID: 3d40ead1-c85d-4215-9571-7ac4ad1611ba
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr.15 declaraţie privind personalul de specialitate propus pentru implementarea contractului.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.15 declaraţie privind personalul de specialitate propus pentru implementarea contractului.semnat.pdf
ID: 4314e0e5-b83d-4d96-bb7b-fa6e6e3b8801
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
contract + proces-verbal privind experiență similara agentia servici publice .semnat.pdf
contract + proces-verbal privind experiență similara agentia servici publice .semnat.pdf
ID: 440ffbad-1b6d-42e7-87f0-ee02d7b56c85
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
deviz formele f.3,5,7.signed.pdf
deviz formele f.3,5,7.signed.pdf
ID: 49892918-20fd-4fd2-95ae-08be8a324177
Financial proposal
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat de înregistrare.подписан.pdf
certificat de înregistrare.подписан.pdf
ID: 561903fb-c318-4228-be14-dbfe359dbfa6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
scrisoare de recomandare 2.semnat.pdf
scrisoare de recomandare 2.semnat.pdf
ID: 5793e00f-ee23-463d-87af-a0c367959f82
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
garantie bancara pentru oferta.signed.pdf
garantie bancara pentru oferta.signed.pdf
ID: 5c265ee9-f41f-4b2c-9787-42cdae361f8c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
scrisoare de recomandare 3.semnat.pdf
scrisoare de recomandare 3.semnat.pdf
ID: 63571e7b-0058-4287-b450-a326bd692b71
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
declaratie pe propria raspundere privind garantia produselor.signed.pdf
declaratie pe propria raspundere privind garantia produselor.signed.pdf
ID: 6945c51c-7204-468e-8ba3-5484c9bdf716
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
certificat a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
ID: 6d53d6c3-e2c6-41eb-9f20-ff4a1b9b9c8b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat de conformitate.signed.pdf
certificat de conformitate.signed.pdf
ID: 79b24a6e-452e-42bf-933f-3790c55e34bd
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr.10 grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
anexa nr.10 grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
ID: 7b6a5d62-9403-42ba-9558-00ac3873a9e6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat iso 9001 2015 ;iso 14001 2015.semnat.pdf
certificat iso 9001 2015 ;iso 14001 2015.semnat.pdf
ID: a544a886-3eac-4dda-a615-9ccf91285feb
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
ID: a5b32da7-b893-4cef-ba52-0c8557a883d7
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat conformitate pvc.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate pvc.semnat.pdf
ID: b8d85bb0-86a0-432a-ba66-96af56169dc7
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
contract+proces-verbal privind experiență similara pentru anul 2023.semnat.pdf
contract+proces-verbal privind experiență similara pentru anul 2023.semnat.pdf
ID: ba45c5f7-fab3-4327-a3f6-c0d5bf404f24
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr 8 declar. priv. valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
anexa nr 8 declar. priv. valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: c61ac78a-4a50-44cc-8dbe-003754f4b246
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat de conformitatetermopane de lux_en 1279(1).semnat.pdf
certificat de conformitatetermopane de lux_en 1279(1).semnat.pdf
ID: d06f570d-ea64-44af-b5ce-ba6a59d91654
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.12 declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
ID: d2841204-e80c-4818-ace9-97a58e8a4dbc
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1203334-1.signed.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1203334-1.signed.pdf
ID: d5368b44-3fcf-4f6c-bf72-94a0c79432f9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
anexa nr.13 declarație privind lista principalelor lucrări executate.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.13 declarație privind lista principalelor lucrări executate.semnat.pdf
ID: e6a7faa2-b84f-4e1a-b54c-83f7d34ea55c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat conformitate spumă.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate spumă.semnat.pdf
ID: e86792e4-d50c-4e11-8a95-978e40d72ee3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
certificat conformitate feroneri.semnat.pdf
certificat conformitate feroneri.semnat.pdf
ID: ec422423-5573-48d6-b465-fcf209493de9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
12.11.24 12:35
Opening date:
14.11.24 10:28
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed