Perioada de actualizare
de la 22.02.2024 14:29
până la 20.03.2024 14:20
Propunerea ofertelor
de la 20.03.2024 14:20
până la 10.04.2024 13:20
de la 11.04.2024 15:00
până la 11.04.2024 15:09
Ofertele au fost evaluate
Statut Ofertele au fost evaluate
Valoarea estimată fără TVA 30 856 980 MDL
Perioada clarificărilor: 22 febr 2024, 14:29 - 20 mart 2024, 14:20
Perioada de depunere a ofertelor: 20 mart 2024, 14:20 - 10 apr 2024, 13:20
Începutul licitației: 11 apr 2024, 15:00

Suport Tehnic pentru furnizori:

(+373) 79999801

Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice (lot cu poziții)
Informaţia despre solicitant
Codul fiscal/IDNO
2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Puskin, 42
Web site
Persoana de contact
Nume Prenume
Nadejda Guzun
Telefonul de contact
Datele achizitiei
Data publicării
22 febr 2024, 14:11
Data ultimilor modificări
14 mart 2024, 15:18
Valoarea estimată (fără TVA)
30 856 980 MDL
Pasul minim de micşorare a ratei de licitaţie
308 569,80 MDL
Achizitii.md ID
Tipul procedurii
Licitație deschisă
Criteriu de atribuire
Preţul cel mai scăzut
Adresa de livrare
2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Puskin, 42
Durata contractului
15 apr 2024 15:18 - 30 dec 2025 15:18
Lista pozițiilor
1.1 Stație de lucru integrată pentru operator - Conform cerințelor tehnice din Anexa la Anunțul de participare Standarde de referință: ICAO Doc 9303, NIST, SMV ISO/CEI 19794-5:2011 și BioAPI privind metodologia de colectare a datelor și de analiză a documentelor biometrice CPV: 30210000-4 - Maşini de procesare a datelor (hardware)
Cantitatea: 110.0
Unități de măsură: Complet
1.2 Fundal iluminat, complet compatibil cu stația de lucru integrată pentru operator - Conform cerințelor tehnice din Anexa la Anunțul de participare Standarde de referință: ICAO Doc 9303, NIST, SMV ISO/CEI 19794-5:2011 și BioAPI privind metodologia de colectare a datelor și de analiză a documentelor biometrice CPV: 30210000-4 - Maşini de procesare a datelor (hardware)
Cantitatea: 110.0
Unități de măsură: Complet
Documentele procedurii de achiziție
standard documentation.signed.pdf standard documentation.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
standard documentation.signed.pdf
22.02.24 14:29
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
standard documentation.docx
Documentele la ofertă
standard documentation.docx
22.02.24 14:29
declaratie.signed.pdf declaratie.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
espd - duae.signed.pdf espd - duae.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
espd - duae.signed.pdf
22.02.24 14:29
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
duae.signed.pdf duae.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
espd - duae.docx
Documentele la ofertă
espd - duae.docx
22.02.24 14:29
statement.signed.pdf statement.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
annex no. 24.doc.signed.pdf annex no. 24.doc.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
annex no. 24.doc.signed.pdf
22.02.24 14:29
anexe la documentatia standard.docx
Documentele la ofertă
anexe la documentatia standard.docx
22.02.24 14:29
age-3011-122-14022024-asp.semnat.pdf age-3011-122-14022024-asp.semnat.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
Documentele la ofertă
22.02.24 14:29
anexe la documentatia standard.signed.pdf anexe la documentatia standard.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
anexe la documentatia standard.signed.pdf
22.02.24 14:29
Procurement notice modific.signed.pdf Procurement notice modific.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
Procurement notice modific.signed.pdf
29.02.24 16:19
Anunt de participare modifica.pdf Anunt de participare modifica.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
Anunt de participare modifica.pdf
29.02.24 16:19
Anexa nr. 24 - Model contract modificat.pdf Anexa nr. 24 - Model contract modificat.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
Anexa nr. 24 - Model contract modificat.pdf
14.03.24 15:18
Annex to Procurement Notice modif.signed.pdf Annex to Procurement Notice modif.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
Annex to Procurement Notice modif.signed.pdf
14.03.24 15:18
Anexa la Anuntul de participare modificată.docx
Documentele la ofertă
Anexa la Anuntul de participare modificată.docx
14.03.24 15:18
Anexa la Anuntul de participare modifcată.signed.pdf Anexa la Anuntul de participare modifcată.signed.pdf
Documentele la ofertă
Anexa la Anuntul de participare modifcată.signed.pdf
14.03.24 15:18
Annex to Procurement Notice modif.doc
Documentele la ofertă
Annex to Procurement Notice modif.doc
14.03.24 15:18

Mai jos sunt ofertele participanților, documentele la oferte le puteți vedea făcând clic pe simbolul mapei.

Pe baza deciziei grupului de lucru pentru selectare învingătorului este necesar să:

1) Selectați învingătorul dînd clic pe butonul recunoaște învingător.

2) Trimiteți în termen de 3 zile la adresa de e-mail AAP bap@tender.gov.md forma scanată a deciziei grupului de lucru.

3) După selectarea învingătorului, faceți clic pe butonul: “Confirmă decizia”.

Calificarea participanţilor
Denumirea participantului
Preţul ofertei
Denumirea participantului:

Speed Identity AB

Preţul ofertei: 28 360 000 MDL
Statut: Anulat
Motivul: Oferta nu corespunde documentației de atribuire
Documentele de calificare
Documentele depuse cu oferta
Denumirea participantului:

S&T Mold

Preţul ofertei: 28 380 000 MDL
Statut: Învingător
Motivul: Conform deciziei Grupului de lucru
Documentele de calificare
Documentele depuse cu oferta
Istoria licitației
Vezi licitația
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
5 mart 2024, 16:09
Subiectul întrebării:
Extension of the deadline for clarification period and for offer submission
Good afternoon, due to complex document preparation for which the state authorities require a longer period of time - kindly ask you to extend the deadline for clarification period and offer submission by three weeks - 28.03.2024 for clarification (enquiry) period and 19.04.2024 accordingly for offer submission (bidding period). Thank you in advance.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 15:03):
The economic operator will respect reasonable deadlines for the clarifications and bid submission.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 16:36
Subiectul întrebării:
Distance range from 60 up to 150 cm
Is having distance range of 80cm – 100cm, which is within the requirement considered as fulfilled requirement?
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:13):
It should be noted that the biometric data collection process as it is described by the Contracting Authority in the Annex to the procurement notice - is assisted and carried out within the multifunctional centers, exclusively by the authorized officers of the Contracting Authority (not to be confused with the self-service kiosk used at the border crossing points). According to the internal regulations of the Agency - the collection of biometric data for the primary registration (enrollment) in the State Register of the Population regarding facial images and other biometric data, are taken from citizens who are positioned (sitting) on the chair, the set up requirements for - p. b) Face Image Capturing and Processing, Distance from 60 cm to 150 cm is to provide sufficient space for adjustments of the person positioning in case of variable sizes, heights and shapes in accordance with provisions of ISO/CEI 19794-5:2011. Thus, the distance range of 80cm – 100cm cannot be accepted by Contracting Authority due to insufficient distance.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 16:44
Subiectul întrebării:
Dynamic ambient light intensity adjustment
As it does not bring much of the benefit, can the dynamic light intensity adjustment requirement be removed and instead to just say “light intensity can be configured”?
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:15):
It should be noted that the biometric data collection process as it is described by the Contracting Authority in the Annex to the procurement notice - is assisted and carried out within the multifunctional centers, exclusively by the authorized officers of the Contracting Authority (not to be confused with the self-service kiosk used at the border crossing points). According to the internal regulations of the Agency - the collection of biometric data for the primary registration (enrollment) in the State Register of the Population regarding facial images and other biometric data, are taken from citizens who are positioned (sitting) on the chair, the set up requirements for - p. b) Face Image Capturing and Processing, Illumination with "Dynamic ambient light intensity adjustment" is to provide the Agency`s operator with reliable authomatic and accurate tool for auto-corrections in accordance with provisions of ISO/CEI 19794-5:2011. Thus, the proposal to modify the specifications to “light intensity can be configured” can not be acceptable by Contracting Authority in order to avoid the manual configuration operations and to minimize and mitigate the risks of non-compliant capture of images process.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 16:57
Subiectul întrebării:
min. 2 independent quadrants for compensation of the differences in light source direction
Kindly ask you to expand current technical requirements in the following way, in order to expand the possibility of participation of other manufacturers "the solution should compensate the effect of the environment light – e.g. nearby window or roof lamps effect”.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:17):
It should be noted that the biometric data collection process as it is described by the Contracting Authority in the Annex to the procurement notice - is assisted and carried out within the multifunctional centers, exclusively by the authorized officers of the Contracting Authority (not to be confused with the self-service kiosk used at the border crossing points). According to the internal regulations of the Agency - the collection of biometric data for the primary registration (enrollment) in the State Register of the Population regarding facial images and other biometric data, are taken from citizens who are positioned (sitting) on the chair, the set up requirements for - p. b) Face Image Capturing and Processing, Illumination with "min. 2 independent quadrants (autonomously adjustable by the operator/engineer) for compensation of the differences in light source direction (e.g. window nearby or roof lamps)" is to provide the Agency`s operator with reliable and accurate tool for corrections in accordance with provisions of ISO/CEI 19794-5:2011. Thus, the proposal to modify the specifications can not be acceptable by Contracting Authority in order to minimize and mitigate the risks of non-compliant capture of images process.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:00
Subiectul întrebării:
User guidance
Kindly ask you to change current technical requirements in the following way, in order to expand the possibility of participation of other manufacturers: the requirement is to narrow, eliminating other viable options for user guidance, and the requirement shall state, “light indicator for the active device shall be present near the active device itself”
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:19):
The requirements for - p. c) User guidance "Colored light ring around the camera with effects(optional)”, clearly states that this one is optional, thus not mandatory and as consequences the Contracting authority will not evaluate the offered model as non compliant if the proposed model will not have this feature.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:00
Subiectul întrebării:
Status semaphore
All screen requirements shall be changed to “touch screen of the minimal size of 7”.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:23):
The parameter "Screen size" reflected in the tender documentation is specified by default as minimum value size = 7''(inch). Interested economic operators can propose equipment models with more advantageous parameter values compared to those minimum stated in documentation.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:02
Subiectul întrebării:
Semaphore light on top
This requirement narrows the circle of possible participants, please remove this requirement.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 14:50):
The Tender documentation has been updated accordingly and will be published on SIA RSAP (MTender) platform.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:05
Subiectul întrebării:
Dimensions and weight
Given the fact that the requested dimensions are characteristic of a single manufacturer and model of equipment, we request the modification of the given parameter in next way: Depth shall be extended from 500mm to at least 600mm. Considering adjustable height, requirement for the height shall be changed to min 1300mm and max 2300 Considering self-standing on the ground, weight shall be changed to max 85kg.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:29):
The proposed changes regarding the size parameter are accepted: Depth from "max. 500 mm" in "max. 600 mm", the tender documentation (annex to the procurement notice) has been updated accordingly. Dear economic operator, regarding the "requirement for the height shall be changed to min 1300mm and max 2300 Considering self-standing on the ground, weight shall be changed to max 85kg", it should be noted that the biometric data collection process as it is described by the Contracting Authority in the Annex to the procurement notice - is assisted and carried out within the multifunctional centers, exclusively by the authorized officers of the Contracting Authority (not to be confused with the self-service kiosk used at the border crossing points). According to the internal regulations of the Agency - the collection of biometric data for the primary registration (enrollment) in the State Register of the Population regarding facial images and other biometric data, are taken from citizens who are positioned (sitting) on the chair. Regarding the "Height adjustment" parameter with Height range: min. 350 mm, represents a minimum adjustment requirement with no maximum values or exact intervals established, as you propose "1300 - 2300 mm". Changing the weight values is not allowed. According to the tender documentation, the Agency needs a workstation for the operator and no self-service kiosk, which is absolutely inappropriate for the Agency's activity.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:05
Subiectul întrebării:
This requirement narrows the circle of possible participants, please remove this requirement.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:30):
It should be noted that the procurement object clearly states that Agency need - The Integrated Operator Workstation for enrolment of the biometric data in the process of documenting citizens, the process that is assisted and performed within the multifunctional centers by the Contracting Authority officers (not to be confused with the self-service kiosk used at the Border crossing posts). Thus, the requirements for connectivity through the interfaces for external devices derives from the necessity to connect: 1) via HDMI - minimum 1 monitor, 2) via USB - 1 wired keyboard + 1 wired mouse + 1 printer. The specified requirements are minimum and mandatory.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:06
Subiectul întrebării:
Installation: Desktop
This requirement narrows the circle of possible participants, thus blocking viable solutions – e.g. self-standing kiosk on the ground.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:33):
Dear economic operator, regarding the desktop requirement, it should be noted that the biometric data collection process as it is described by the Contracting Authority and in the Annex to the procurement notice - is assisted and carried out within the multifunctional centers, exclusively by the authorized officers of the Contracting Authority (not to be confused with the self-service kiosk used at the border crossing points). According to the internal regulations of the Agency - the collection of biometric data for the primary registration (enrollment) in the State Register of the Population regarding facial images and other biometric data, are taken from citizens who are positioned (sitting) on the chair. According to the tender documentation, the Agency needs a workstation for the operator and no self-standing/service kiosk, which is absolutely inappropriate for the Agency's activity.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:10
Subiectul întrebării:
This requirement narrows the circle of possible participants, please remove this requirement.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 14:51):
The Tender documentation has been updated accordingly and will be published on SIA RSAP (MTender) platform.
Echipament de prelevare a datelor biometrice
6 mart 2024, 17:11
Subiectul întrebării:
Illuminated background
The requirement shall focus only on the fact that uniform background must be ensured on the acquired facial images.
Răspuns (14 mart 2024, 11:35):
Backlight technical specifications for the integrated operator workstation derive from the provisions of Annexes B and C of ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 "Information technologies - Formats of exchange of biometric data - Part 5: Face image data "To prevent hot spots, reflections and shadows”, in accordance with ICAO recommendations (Doc 9303). The requirements specified by the Contracting Authority in the Annex to procurement notice are minimum and mandatory.
Cu părere de rău întrebările se pun doar în perioada "Activ".