Public procurement
Mărfuri de uz casnic
Enquiry period
Bidding period
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
87 864 MDL
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2005, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Al. Vlahuta nr.3
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
Date modified
6 Jan 2025, 10:48
Estimated value (without VAT)
87 864 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Reporting of purchases
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
2005, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Al. Vlahuta nr.3
Contract period
25 Oct 2024 11:35 - 31 Dec 2024 10:35
List of positions
Set 5 articole(ulcior+4 pahare) buc 1 140,00 Pahare set 6buc Hamilion buc 11 168,33 Covoras p/u tacâmuri 1/6ps 30*45cm buc 1 36,67 Piniera din bambus buc 3 50,00 Răzătoare hexagonlă mare buc 6 73,33 Container 5.0 lt buc 6 69,17 Boxa 3.0x 3.0Lt buc 5 150,00 Li120 Storcator pu fructe buc 1 20,00 Dezchizator de conserve buc 5 10,00 Strecurătoar din oțel 24 cm. buc 2 120,84 Tocator din bambus cu mâner metalic 22*32*1.5 buc 13 66,67 Set cuțite 8 piese buc 15 602,50 Presă de usturoi cu mâner metalic buc 3 120,83Tava pu taiat buc 4 78,33 Presa pt cartofi buc 3 52,50 Set 5 umerase buc 22 52,50 Matura+faras buc 50 90,83 Set perie pu wc buc 63 30,00 Caldare Tablet Mop 5Lt buc 57 368,33 Covor intrare 45x75 buc 49 89,17 Covoras intrare 57x71 buc 8 154,17 Umeras cristal mediu (6buc) buc 26 69,17 Masa calcat House Plus +/ buc 2 580,84 Uscator rufe Mega +/ buc 3 843,33 Perie pentru haine buc 10 40,00 Cos pu rufe rattan 45l buc 9 161,67 Urna cu pedala 11lt buc 1 191,67 Taz rotund 24l buc 5 95,00 Urna 35lt buc 7 202,50 Caldare+storcator buc 97 60,83 Capac wc Ozbest buc 14 97,50 Suport inox hirtie f/a capac buc 4 78,33 Caldare cu capac 10L buc 14 78,33 Faras buc 18 44,17Matura+faras buc 21 90,83 Vazon Fiujn 20x18 buc 82 60,83 Masa calcat House Plus +/ buc 1 847,50 Perie pu ograda buc 20 55,00 Teu+coada 110cm buc 9 97,50 Mop bumbac buc 76 32,50 Mop rotund+coada 120cm buc 41 80,83 Perdea p/t baie Jaklin (180*200) buc 8 195,83 Dozator 1/12 buc 2 170,00 Sapuniera buc 2 48,34 Set oglinda baie buc 5 399,17 Coada lemn laminat +/ buc 28 15,83
CPV: 39720000-5 - Non-electric domestic appliances
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Unitate
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Normalized price:
87 864 MDL
06.01.25 10:48
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