Public procurement
Construcția retelei de apeduct satul Lalova raionul Rezina
Enquiry period
with 14.11.2024 16:07
to 25.11.2024 16:03
to 25.11.2024 16:03
Bidding period
with 25.11.2024 16:03
to 04.12.2024 16:04
to 04.12.2024 16:04
with 05.12.2024 14:00
to 05.12.2024 14:14
to 05.12.2024 14:14
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
2 284 940 MDL
Period of clarifications:
14 Nov 2024, 16:07 - 25 Nov 2024, 16:03
Submission of proposals:
25 Nov 2024, 16:03 - 4 Dec 2024, 16:04
Auction start date:
5 Dec 2024, 14:00
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Conform devizului
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
5421, MOLDOVA, Rezina, s.Lalova, -
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
Date modified
6 Dec 2024, 13:55
Estimated value (without VAT)
2 284 940 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
11 424,70 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
5421, MOLDOVA, Rezina, s.Lalova, -
Contract period
9 Dec 2024 16:06 - 31 Oct 2025 16:06
List of positions
Construcția retelei de apeduct satul Lalova raionul Rezina
CPV: 45200000-9 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
202411141604_A caiet sarcini Lalova Apeduct Stodolna (1).signed.pdf
Bidding Documents
14.11.24 16:07
First Name
Iftodi Veaceslav
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Design și Inginerie
Normalized price:
1 589 765,46 MDL
pret anormal de scazut
30.12.24 14:31
Reason: pret anormal de scazut
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
7.7.1 extras design 15.04.2024.signed.pdf
7.7.1 extras design 15.04.2024.signed.pdf
ID: 0c05e1a5-58ce-4de8-a023-b854e4a157b1
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
3. declaratia privind valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
3. declaratia privind valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: 1b3bbd10-4abb-4179-8f27-8ec0db5eb2e4
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.7.2 decizia înregistrării persoanei juridice, în conformitate cu prevederile legale din ţara în care ofertantul este stabilitpdf.signed.pdf
7.7.2 decizia înregistrării persoanei juridice, în conformitate cu prevederile legale din ţara în care ofertantul este stabilitpdf.signed.pdf
ID: 1f9c01b0-35e7-4da6-9cba-b2664e26bcab
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.6 declarație privind personalul de specialitate şi_sau a experţilor propus_propuşi pentru implementarea contractului.signed.pdf
6.6 declarație privind personalul de specialitate şi_sau a experţilor propus_propuşi pentru implementarea contractului.signed.pdf
ID: 345993d1-b492-4b38-8274-137590a1f6dc
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.2 grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
6.2 grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
ID: 486e9554-9ca1-463d-9945-dd76a8418140
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.8 certificat de conformitate si calitate la pricipalele materiale uitilizate.signed.pdf
6.8 certificat de conformitate si calitate la pricipalele materiale uitilizate.signed.pdf
ID: 51be328d-b9a0-4403-bfad-0e80d3e140d3
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.1.1 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2023.signed.pdf
5.1.1 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 5d878647-41aa-4ac8-8105-9255f28f2b36
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
2. 1 cerere de participare.signed.pdf
2. 1 cerere de participare.signed.pdf
ID: 5ea55453-6240-4eb9-80d6-8000e97fabfe
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.1.4 asociat langraft srl situatia financiara 2023.semnat.signed.pdf
5.1.4 asociat langraft srl situatia financiara 2023.semnat.signed.pdf
ID: 5ee20631-32b8-4834-9422-cea985be2397
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.8 certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1008012.signed.pdf
7.8 certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1008012.signed.pdf
ID: 60ed47d0-a725-4f99-bca6-ca7063715a53
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.4 declarație privind lista principalelor lucrări executate în ultimul an de activitate.signed.pdf
6.4 declarație privind lista principalelor lucrări executate în ultimul an de activitate.signed.pdf
ID: 6c2a916a-36db-4e60-b6a8-325cac18b572
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.3 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2023.signed.pdf
5.3 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 6dcead46-33e9-4ef8-bd15-f76781c4f908
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.5 declaraţie privind dotările.signed.pdf
6.5 declaraţie privind dotările.signed.pdf
ID: 71c8ae96-04af-4b1e-9d4f-daf4638cb271
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.5 declaraţie terţ susţinător tehnic.signed.pdf
7.5 declaraţie terţ susţinător tehnic.signed.pdf
ID: 7a98d154-1f6a-4cea-b317-a142aa1d8e75
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.1.5 asociat langraft srl situatia financiara 2022.semnat.signed.pdf
5.1.5 asociat langraft srl situatia financiara 2022.semnat.signed.pdf
ID: 7d23c12f-d53d-44fa-9dde-e55133161a9d
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.1.2 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2022.signed.pdf
5.1.2 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2022.signed.pdf
ID: 7d448b15-b864-46fc-8617-6372cade1204
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.9.2 rechizite bancare design si inginerie.signed.pdf
7.9.2 rechizite bancare design si inginerie.signed.pdf
ID: 8715a972-64fd-4067-b32c-9d7702b071ad
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.3.1 experiența similara.signed.pdf
6.3.1 experiența similara.signed.pdf
ID: 92d3214f-f793-45a3-a1fe-2b19744bfa69
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.1.6 asociat langraft srl situatia financiara 2021.semnat.signed.pdf
5.1.6 asociat langraft srl situatia financiara 2021.semnat.signed.pdf
ID: a009901f-6e87-4be1-9a13-e18fbaa47a61
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
1.duae design și inginerie.signed.pdf
1.duae design și inginerie.signed.pdf
ID: b7a5d9b8-54df-4768-b799-f4820b75585f
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
5.2 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2023.signed.pdf
5.2 design si ingineriesrl situatia financiara 2023.signed.pdf
ID: ce4bd9f8-19ce-4c0d-a3e4-df5971c3854b
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.1 lista subcontractanților şi partea_părţile din contract care sunt îndeplinite de aceştia.signed.pdf
7.1 lista subcontractanților şi partea_părţile din contract care sunt îndeplinite de aceştia.signed.pdf
ID: d2a4bd62-4bac-46e4-8fee-640c5b380b5b
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.2 informaţii privind asocierea.semnat.signed.pdf
7.2 informaţii privind asocierea.semnat.signed.pdf
ID: e20e0670-62b1-4d0d-93b8-d3613457dc85
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.4 angajament privind susţinerea tehnică și profesională a ofertantului_grupului de operatori economici.signed.pdf
7.4 angajament privind susţinerea tehnică și profesională a ofertantului_grupului de operatori economici.signed.pdf
ID: e2884971-b492-403e-acb2-89c7c5c7a0be
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
6.7 aviz pentru participare la licitațiile publice de lucrări din domeniul construcțiilor și instalațiilor eliberată de minististerul economiei şi infrastructurii al rm.signed.pdf
6.7 aviz pentru participare la licitațiile publice de lucrări din domeniul construcțiilor și instalațiilor eliberată de minististerul economiei şi infrastructurii al rm.signed.pdf
ID: f0140be5-72d0-41cc-80a4-d8035289da7d
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.9.1 certificat de atribuire a contului bancarpdf.signed.pdf
7.9.1 certificat de atribuire a contului bancarpdf.signed.pdf
ID: f131a9f4-07a1-48c3-bfcb-ca2abb4eb8d2
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
7.6 declaraţie terţ susţinător profesional.signed.pdf
7.6 declaraţie terţ susţinător profesional.signed.pdf
ID: fa0829fb-c9b8-4c44-a146-f6e0ca7119cc
Documents of submission
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 14:15
2.2 propunere financiara - oferta.signed.pdf
2.2 propunere financiara - oferta.signed.pdf
ID: 7283a6f4-178e-46aa-9cd2-553bcc195935
Financial proposal
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:29
6.3.2 experiența similara.signed.pdf
6.3.2 experiența similara.signed.pdf
ID: 8dcb15f0-5410-402e-bca3-bd0ebb8f7edb
Qualification documents
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:29
6.3.3 experiența similara .signed.pdf
6.3.3 experiența similara .signed.pdf
ID: d68a436f-0c32-4aeb-bcb7-ae181d96fecf
Qualification documents
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:29
ordin de plata ptr oferta.signed.pdf
ordin de plata ptr oferta.signed.pdf
ID: f979ed4f-0433-4cd6-ac24-332359e8685b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:29
6.1 documentația de deviz lalova apeduct f 7,3,5.signed.signed.signed.pdf
6.1 documentația de deviz lalova apeduct f 7,3,5.signed.signed.signed.pdf
ID: ff93d0f7-9250-4eca-b021-14c48852c855
Financial proposal
Date of download:
4.12.24 12:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:29
Participant(s) name(s):
Ranao TransCom
Normalized price:
2 040 101,86 MDL
oferta cistigatoare
30.12.24 14:32
Reason: oferta cistigatoare
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
anexa nr.16.lista subcontractorilor .semnat.pdf
anexa nr.16.lista subcontractorilor .semnat.pdf
ID: 00c04a3a-b9e0-484d-a8df-fb194ad06c1c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:57
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
hidranti subterani si supraterani (bohamet) 29.05.2025.semnat.pdf
hidranti subterani si supraterani (bohamet) 29.05.2025.semnat.pdf
ID: 03114e29-2452-43eb-8e8c-c0c8811d1d16
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:59
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 2-3 .f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
deviz 2-3 .f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
ID: 17ae3cbb-2ab7-4b66-ae77-a08d37223daa
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:20
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:18
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 4-3 f7, f3 f5.semnat.pdf
deviz 4-3 f7, f3 f5.semnat.pdf
ID: 1e270340-882d-4eea-938e-c53b202f43f8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:19
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:57
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.15 personalul .semnat.pdf
anexa nr.15 personalul .semnat.pdf
ID: 2b47a201-d0a9-48db-929b-1a070fe48944
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:56
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
scrisoare lichiditatea anul 2021-2023 .signed.signed.signed (1).pdf
scrisoare lichiditatea anul 2021-2023 .signed.signed.signed (1).pdf
ID: 405f4979-42b7-49eb-bde3-44e555c420ce
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 21:00
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
certificat apa 2024-2027.semnat.pdf
certificat apa 2024-2027.semnat.pdf
ID: 435528bb-382f-4eb9-8c37-f4188717101e
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
hidranti subterani si supraterani (norson) 29.05.2025.semnat.pdf
hidranti subterani si supraterani (norson) 29.05.2025.semnat.pdf
ID: 55e7bb4d-5b28-4c31-9576-6a6e6675ec4a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 21:00
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa 18 terti sustinatori financiari.signed.pdf
anexa 18 terti sustinatori financiari.signed.pdf
ID: 5aa7768b-92c9-4865-bb9b-03c2475556f1
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:54
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.10 grafic de executare.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.10 grafic de executare.semnat.pdf
ID: 61111436-f610-46f6-b4ed-0d8ecdbfb515
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:56
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.13 lista completata .signed.pdf
anexa nr.13 lista completata .signed.pdf
ID: 6cebfdc3-a35c-49e4-990c-02a807924bd3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.11.24 12:44
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 3-2. f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
deviz 3-2. f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
ID: 763f1b2a-07d6-4c41-917b-24098f040ce7
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:20
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
duae_ -com. lalova apeduct.signed.pdf
duae_ -com. lalova apeduct.signed.pdf
ID: 7a08af13-19e4-4821-afb5-c5d53d0b2ae8
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:59
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 4-2 f3, f7, f5.semnat.pdf
deviz 4-2 f3, f7, f5.semnat.pdf
ID: 7ca010dc-c26b-4683-a9e1-2168f2bfea06
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:19
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.7 cerere de participare .signed.pdf
anexa nr.7 cerere de participare .signed.pdf
ID: 7ca45007-d4fe-4209-9455-7c813472ee8f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:55
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.8 declarație privind valabilitatea .semnat.pdf
anexa nr.8 declarație privind valabilitatea .semnat.pdf
ID: 7cc147b8-072b-4d4c-afb3-2f6f4dc3a41a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:55
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 2-1 f7, f 3, f5.signed.pdf
deviz 2-1 f7, f 3, f5.signed.pdf
ID: 7eadd2d6-983d-4a4b-b8a2-b58070d0e1db
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:21
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
Financial proposal
Date of download:
2.12.24 13:38
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 2-2 f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
deviz 2-2 f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
ID: 818d7983-d426-41c2-8cf5-34b2c127270e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:20
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 0913915.semnat (1).pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 0913915.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 90393ed8-9d4b-4a40-9d45-df2c4ad97379
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.11.24 12:39
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
garantia bancara.signed.semnat.pdf
garantia bancara.signed.semnat.pdf
ID: 92dd3d24-0554-45ed-b541-bc2bc958a6fc
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 12:52
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa 21 declaratie terti sustinator profesional.signed.pdf
anexa 21 declaratie terti sustinator profesional.signed.pdf
ID: 9829ab67-abf2-450f-a70f-7f5876428926
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:55
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 3-1. f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
deviz 3-1. f7, f3, f5.signed.pdf
ID: a40f1c27-9d5a-48d3-84e6-8dea2a9d8398
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:20
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.12 experență similară horodiste.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.12 experență similară horodiste.semnat.pdf
ID: a62fa887-3241-466a-a3f7-92396fff91ce
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:56
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa 20 declaratie terti sustinatori tehnici.signed.pdf
anexa 20 declaratie terti sustinatori tehnici.signed.pdf
ID: a7a57f58-ddbd-4c8e-bba0-0f8a6080c0d9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:55
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
scrisoare de recomandare.signed.pdf
scrisoare de recomandare.signed.pdf
ID: abe79198-dbf7-42a4-b76a-09fbf5c16803
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 21:00
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa 19 angajament privind sustinerea tehnica.signed.pdf
anexa 19 angajament privind sustinerea tehnica.signed.pdf
ID: ad41ee48-55e8-4546-bac8-32192e94e666
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:55
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 4-1 f5, f7, f3.semnat.pdf
deviz 4-1 f5, f7, f3.semnat.pdf
ID: bd6b638c-24a7-4fd3-8666-a8302a6d7eb2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:19
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 1-1 f3, f7, f5.signed.pdf
deviz 1-1 f3, f7, f5.signed.pdf
ID: bfe488c2-f52b-4178-a7dd-f2315f3239f8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:17
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa nr.14 dotarea cu mecanisme .semnat.pdf
anexa nr.14 dotarea cu mecanisme .semnat.pdf
ID: c9da2a87-8546-4690-a323-6b073c35f14f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:56
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
fitinguri sudura, galvanizate (shanxi) 20.05.2025.semnat.pdf
fitinguri sudura, galvanizate (shanxi) 20.05.2025.semnat.pdf
ID: cecda6e2-45f7-42b5-8e4e-2e8bafa5f419
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:59
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 3-3 f7,f3,f5.signed.pdf
deviz 3-3 f7,f3,f5.signed.pdf
ID: d642df4c-b91b-4894-ac1f-a895d3be1dee
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:19
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
situatie financiara 2023.signed.signed (1).pdf
situatie financiara 2023.signed.signed (1).pdf
ID: d7bc7a90-ca3f-4b8f-9ef7-8164dcf8d14c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 21:01
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
certificat de inregistare,decizie,extras.semnat (1).signed.signed.signed.pdf
certificat de inregistare,decizie,extras.semnat (1).signed.signed.signed.pdf
ID: d8ddf224-3525-4825-8a02-4e62af6abdb8
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:58
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
deviz 1-2 f3 ,f5, f7.signed.pdf
deviz 1-2 f3 ,f5, f7.signed.pdf
ID: f8f021a3-7de7-4ba8-ab15-6070ae14b6ce
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 08:17
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
anexa.17. asocierea ron .semnat.pdf
anexa.17. asocierea ron .semnat.pdf
ID: fe3a3b36-49e4-49f2-a5fb-58eef79302d5
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.11.24 20:57
Opening date:
5.12.24 16:50
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
2 099 279,40 MDL
în urma evaluării ofertei depuse, sa constatat că prețul propus de dumneavoastră este mai mare decât cel al celorlalți ofertanți. Totodată, specificațiile privind cerințele de calificare și cerințele tehnice din documentația de atribuire a nu diferă față
30.12.24 14:22
Reason: în urma evaluării ofertei depuse, sa constatat că prețul propus de dumneavoastră este mai mare decât cel al celorlalți ofertanți. Totodată, specificațiile privind cerințele de calificare și cerințele tehnice din documentația de atribuire a nu diferă față
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
deviz retele exterioare apeduct.semnat.pdf
deviz retele exterioare apeduct.semnat.pdf
ID: 05a2da75-a677-4160-a30f-ebeee25f53aa
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:44
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
certificat inele beton radial plus.pdf
certificat inele beton radial plus.pdf
ID: 09a0189a-b587-4a33-8a70-1970d51a0a41
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
garantie bancara 6518.signed.signed.pdf
garantie bancara 6518.signed.signed.pdf
ID: 0b56ff59-aa84-4f36-b13b-96df001e80ed
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
certificate instalvest grup srl.signed.pdf
certificate instalvest grup srl.signed.pdf
ID: 2bef58da-9f4e-4ba6-908e-ae4964184e8a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:44
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
totalizator lalova.signed.pdf
totalizator lalova.signed.pdf
ID: 2efd7aae-f794-4a24-8dc0-02e753b029cf
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
deviz reetele electrice externe.semnat.pdf
deviz reetele electrice externe.semnat.pdf
ID: 32246cf1-d345-4355-b9b8-31bc4460f51d
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
certificat valrom fitinguri.signed.pdf
certificat valrom fitinguri.signed.pdf
ID: 383486a5-1286-45a7-adf5-cc32f41ae463
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
deviz statia pompare a apei.semnat.pdf
deviz statia pompare a apei.semnat.pdf
ID: 7ffcbf80-40f2-4bdd-a33f-ef5d18e9865b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:44
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
certificat armatura.signed.pdf
certificat armatura.signed.pdf
ID: 90245718-d91f-45e6-aed1-bbab5fc7dede
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
aviz sanitar 2022 valrom pehd.pdf
aviz sanitar 2022 valrom pehd.pdf
ID: 90e8f115-b7ef-4dfc-bfa8-b4a2ac8817fd
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
experiente ciuciuleni.signed.pdf
experiente ciuciuleni.signed.pdf
ID: 9dd6dbc8-96a4-452f-8485-f9695d145d4c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:44
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
propunere financiara.signed.pdf
propunere financiara.signed.pdf
ID: a476654f-46e3-4e51-a2eb-500167a73d88
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
experiente lt m viteazul pv recomandare.signed.pdf
experiente lt m viteazul pv recomandare.signed.pdf
ID: aa54511a-7191-45f3-b90a-4c3c48dc4b5c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1736595.signed.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1736595.signed.pdf
ID: b405cd73-faba-4eb9-97cc-3a18656e7775
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
ID: b52ff4d1-1143-46f1-a76a-bbc0f719ecb2
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
experiente similare.signed.pdf
experiente similare.signed.pdf
ID: bf268432-5037-4959-9df6-49c00c4f9f93
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:44
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
conformitate valrom ro waterkit 2025.pdf
conformitate valrom ro waterkit 2025.pdf
ID: c4b6e46c-759e-4a65-aa8c-5582fc234046
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
contract de colaborare excavator.signed.pdf
contract de colaborare excavator.signed.pdf
ID: cda93f64-191f-461c-8c9d-176fa1b40ad3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
certificate financiar.signed.pdf
certificate financiar.signed.pdf
ID: d43b87ab-cf64-42e7-a6a2-1a2f2f078512
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
formulare declaratii.signed.pdf
formulare declaratii.signed.pdf
ID: ef8ed6dc-e13a-4ece-b771-c91bc59f5455
Qualification documents
Date of download:
3.12.24 16:43
Opening date:
6.12.24 13:55
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