Public procurement
Procurarea, livrarea și instalarea dotărilor
Enquiry period
with 07.11.2024 14:16
to 22.11.2024 10:36
to 22.11.2024 10:36
Bidding period
with 22.11.2024 10:36
to 06.12.2024 10:36
to 06.12.2024 10:36
09.12.2024 14:37
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
642 302 MDL
Period of clarifications:
7 Nov 2024, 14:16 - 22 Nov 2024, 10:36
Submission of proposals:
22 Nov 2024, 10:36 - 6 Dec 2024, 10:36
Auction start date:
9 Dec 2024, 14:37
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Procurarea, livrarea și instalarea dotărilor
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
6830, MOLDOVA, Ialoveni, s.Văsieni (r-l Ialoveni), rnul Ialoveni, s. Vasieni
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
7 Nov 2024, 14:08
Date modified
11 Nov 2024, 10:39
Estimated value (without VAT)
642 302 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
6 423,02 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest cost
Delivery address
6830, MOLDOVA, Ialoveni, s.Văsieni (r-l Ialoveni), rnul Ialoveni, s. Vasieni
Contract period
23 Nov 2024 14:14 - 26 Aug 2025 14:16
List of positions
Procurarea, livrarea și instalarea dotărilor
CPV: 45200000-9 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
fotovoltaic vasieni ialoveni f1.pdf
fotovoltaic vasieni ialoveni f1.pdf
Bidding Documents
7.11.24 14:16
specificatiile tehnice a bunurilor si echipamentelor planificate.pdf
specificatiile tehnice a bunurilor si echipamentelor planificate.pdf
Bidding Documents
7.11.24 14:16
fotovoltaic vasieni ialoveni f5.pdf
fotovoltaic vasieni ialoveni f5.pdf
Bidding Documents
7.11.24 14:16
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Vastavit SRL
Normalized price:
640 486,70 MDL
după efectuarea analizei ofertei de preț, verificarea tuturor parametrilor, grupul de lucru a decis recunoașterea ofertei SRL „Vastavit” ca fiind cîștigătoare, corespunzînd criteriilor solicitate.
27.01.25 08:29
Reason: după efectuarea analizei ofertei de preț, verificarea tuturor parametrilor, grupul de lucru a decis recunoașterea ofertei SRL „Vastavit” ca fiind cîștigătoare, corespunzînd criteriilor solicitate.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
certificat de atribuire a contului bancar .signed.pdf
certificat de atribuire a contului bancar .signed.pdf
ID: 0824a512-5f8c-4f9b-8a39-fa93633517e4
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experenta similara anexa nr.12 toceni.signed.pdf
experenta similara anexa nr.12 toceni.signed.pdf
ID: 089ef75a-8bf2-4aed-9ddb-b3831281a614
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara an.12 miron costin vastavit.signed.pdf
experienta similara an.12 miron costin vastavit.signed.pdf
ID: 09ba2aff-a149-4514-a15c-39ad9eb2e2bd
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara anexa 12 teren de fotbal scorteni+receptie.signed.pdf
experienta similara anexa 12 teren de fotbal scorteni+receptie.signed.pdf
ID: 10ee3600-3b7c-4aef-96ac-dfaec67b96d0
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
decl tert sustin tehnic anexa 20.signed.pdf
decl tert sustin tehnic anexa 20.signed.pdf
ID: 129a670b-0b67-4310-8dd5-3c4d5361e423
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara anexa 12 sav.signed.pdf
experienta similara anexa 12 sav.signed.pdf
ID: 18b999c0-fae2-496b-a9e1-89fceae533c5
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
cifra medie de afaceri 2021-2023.signed.pdf
cifra medie de afaceri 2021-2023.signed.pdf
ID: 232b1511-37f4-4349-aec2-2cc1df0e62f3
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
cerere de participare anexa 7.signed.pdf
cerere de participare anexa 7.signed.pdf
ID: 2a2bf0f2-ea50-4e3c-8a67-9bea3d50c07f
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
manualul calitati nou 2024.signed.pdf
manualul calitati nou 2024.signed.pdf
ID: 2df336e7-c9de-48e5-8705-58dca4a85092
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:23
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
declaratie privind dotarile nr 14.signed.pdf
declaratie privind dotarile nr 14.signed.pdf
ID: 408535c1-6ebc-4232-9097-a70a96e3c550
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara anexa 12 beton asfaltic.signed.pdf
experienta similara anexa 12 beton asfaltic.signed.pdf
ID: 40d21794-9c0f-45c3-9dae-e4245ea20df2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
lista subcontractantilor anexa 16.signed.pdf
lista subcontractantilor anexa 16.signed.pdf
ID: 501df634-002e-435b-a26b-ed82a1534fd9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta anexa nr. 13 .signed.pdf
experienta anexa nr. 13 .signed.pdf
ID: 561b5cc3-ff5e-4e99-86f3-04604579b63a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta1 anexa 12 acoperis.signed.pdf
experienta1 anexa 12 acoperis.signed.pdf
ID: 58831289-2b3c-467a-a785-c56ddcde71b7
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
cifra de afacere 2023.signed.pdf
cifra de afacere 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 61a0219c-2675-4d51-9b13-6bf0eee80bb8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
garantie oferta 3 (beneficiar accept maib) tty (52).signed.signed.signed.pdf
garantie oferta 3 (beneficiar accept maib) tty (52).signed.signed.signed.pdf
ID: 6e8df736-49f2-45bb-9aaf-6aea6ef2ca1f
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
grafic de executare a lucrărilor.signed.pdf
ID: 7deec1dc-2c24-44ed-bdd1-875a45151653
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
lichiditatea generala 2023.signed.pdf
lichiditatea generala 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 7fdcbde7-988a-4d8f-8005-f9f24661b78f
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
informatii privind asociere anexa 17.signed.pdf
informatii privind asociere anexa 17.signed.pdf
ID: 80c6414f-4613-4d97-a7d8-0fce3246240c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
dovada inregistrarii pers juridice.signed.pdf
dovada inregistrarii pers juridice.signed.pdf
ID: 8402b311-bebf-4264-b78d-ab1ba43bd36e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
declaratie de mobilizare.signed.pdf
declaratie de mobilizare.signed.pdf
ID: 8a9cd391-1e71-4929-8b16-275590e7d8ed
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
certificate calitate.signed.pdf
certificate calitate.signed.pdf
ID: 958a53f5-347f-4968-8f19-4459e4ee1398
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
certificat calitate.signed.pdf
certificat calitate.signed.pdf
ID: 9849730c-1764-48ab-81eb-3cada5e11b9c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:23
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:24
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
diriginte de santier electricitate.signed.pdf
diriginte de santier electricitate.signed.pdf
ID: a3a78d19-81a9-4cd0-8131-6f37e0df6219
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
decl tert sustin profesional anexa 21.signed.pdf
decl tert sustin profesional anexa 21.signed.pdf
ID: a777aa7d-efc9-42bb-966e-a97b13a77e83
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
certificate iso vastafit 01.02.2024.signed.signed.pdf
certificate iso vastafit 01.02.2024.signed.signed.pdf
ID: ad2b6553-3c91-4221-bbe7-89103eceb575
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara anexa 12 ,,amenajare t.vladimirescu.signed.pdf
experienta similara anexa 12 ,,amenajare t.vladimirescu.signed.pdf
ID: afdbfc67-0bed-4673-8be5-5c9c731ef79b
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
contract de laborator.signed.pdf
contract de laborator.signed.pdf
ID: bad4d956-71b4-45c1-9a91-6783c42602cf
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
angaj tert sustin finanexa 18.signed.pdf
angaj tert sustin finanexa 18.signed.pdf
ID: c66a7606-be8b-49a4-80e1-a80581d0e148
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
deviz f3,5,7 lot 3 vasieni echipamente 2024.signed.pdf
deviz f3,5,7 lot 3 vasieni echipamente 2024.signed.pdf
ID: ce15d1fe-98e3-4a82-ab5f-896102ed6edd
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:24
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
declaratia de garantie a lucrarilori.signed.pdf
declaratia de garantie a lucrarilori.signed.pdf
ID: d39f0f01-18ac-4957-aa94-dc31875f0e7b
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
decl valab ofert anexa 8.signed.pdf
decl valab ofert anexa 8.signed.pdf
ID: d5c995d1-0899-46b4-a052-824b1d65b998
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
diriginte de santier + responsabil tehnic beselea.signed.pdf
diriginte de santier + responsabil tehnic beselea.signed.pdf
ID: d5cfb76c-9404-4def-a1dc-4ad916183783
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
declaratie identitate beneficiari.signed.pdf
declaratie identitate beneficiari.signed.pdf
ID: d7e28596-708e-4b59-b97b-f515e45eeb1f
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
angaj sustin tehn si profesanexa 19.signed.pdf
angaj sustin tehn si profesanexa 19.signed.pdf
ID: d8c16d41-8361-4061-9f45-08d9e7df8ec9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara anexa nr.12 parcul la izvor.signed.pdf
experienta similara anexa nr.12 parcul la izvor.signed.pdf
ID: eb3e6bb7-915e-4de9-a1a6-62800d12a98d
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
aviz 2024.anexa 22 signed.pdf
aviz 2024.anexa 22 signed.pdf
ID: f151b2ed-c4e4-456d-9237-8190896a312a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
diriginte dum codita ion.signed.pdf
diriginte dum codita ion.signed.pdf
ID: f57cb9f1-35e9-46b8-8e8f-fb0e099ec045
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
experienta similara amenajarea scuarul razesilor vastavit.signed.pdf
experienta similara amenajarea scuarul razesilor vastavit.signed.pdf
ID: f7edec33-4e6a-4975-8978-a6d25a00c9fd
Financial proposal
Date of download:
5.12.24 18:22
Opening date:
9.12.24 14:37
The history of the auction
View auction
Procurarea, livrarea și instalarea dotărilor
7 Nov 2024, 15:37
Question's name:
Devizare in loturi
Pentru o mai bună structurare a achiziției, vă propunem ca Lotul 3, referitor la procurarea, livrarea și instalarea dotărilor, să fie divizat în trei sub-loturi distincte, astfel:
Complexe de joacă;
Echipamente IT;
Această propunere ar asigura o mai bună claritate în procesul de achiziție și ar facilita participarea mai multor operatori economici specializați în fiecare categorie, respectând astfel principiile transparenței și concurenței loiale.
Answer (8 Nov 2024, 16:30):
Buna ziua, multumesc mult pentru sugestie, o sa fie precăutată posibilitatea de a separa Lotul numărul 3 în mai multe subdiviziuni, rezultatul fa fi reflectat în achiziția publicată!
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed