Public procurement
Scut antiincendiar de tip închis
Enquiry period
with 18.09.2024 14:09
to 25.09.2024 14:30
to 25.09.2024 14:30
Bidding period
with 25.09.2024 14:30
to 01.10.2024 14:30
to 01.10.2024 14:30
02.10.2024 14:46
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
52 500 MDL
Period of clarifications:
18 Sep 2024, 14:09 - 25 Sep 2024, 14:30
Submission of proposals:
25 Sep 2024, 14:30 - 1 Oct 2024, 14:30
Auction start date:
2 Oct 2024, 14:46
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Caracteristici de bază: Înălțimea: 1 750 - 2 300 mm;
Lățimea: 900 - 1 200 mm;
Adâncimea: 400 - 600 mm;
Dotat cu un compartiment de tip ladă pentru nisip;
În complet:
- cange minim – 1 buc.
- rangă minim – 1 buc.
- lopată minim – 1 buc.
- hârleț minim – 1 buc.
- găleată conică minim – 1 buc.
Echipat cu minim o ușă și mecanism de închidere pentru scule.
Se acceptă diferite modele, dar care să corespundă parametrilor solicitați.
Lățimea: 900 - 1 200 mm;
Adâncimea: 400 - 600 mm;
Dotat cu un compartiment de tip ladă pentru nisip;
În complet:
- cange minim – 1 buc.
- rangă minim – 1 buc.
- lopată minim – 1 buc.
- hârleț minim – 1 buc.
- găleată conică minim – 1 buc.
Echipat cu minim o ușă și mecanism de închidere pentru scule.
Se acceptă diferite modele, dar care să corespundă parametrilor solicitați.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2032, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str.Nicolae Titulescu 35
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
17 Sep 2024, 11:55
Date modified
18 Sep 2024, 14:09
Estimated value (without VAT)
52 500 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
525 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Request price offers (goods)
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2032, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str.Nicolae Titulescu 35
Contract period
3 Oct 2024 13:50 - 30 Dec 2024 14:04
List of positions
Quantity: 15.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
52 500 MDL
The bid does not comply with the Tender Documents
20.12.24 09:22
Reason: The bid does not comply with the Tender Documents
Qualification documents
decizia din 16.10.24 echipament de stingere a incendiilor(suplimentar).pdf
decizia din 16.10.24 echipament de stingere a incendiilor(suplimentar).pdf
ID: 50670c53-ace8-4157-81d9-7bacb91f3612
Winning Bid
20.12.24 09:15
Documents provided with the proposal
certificat inregisrare semnat.semnat (1).pdf
certificat inregisrare semnat.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 09de2f55-14c7-4f62-8e44-3b8e69b211f9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 0947658.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 0947658.pdf
ID: 0b175180-c67b-410a-8b9d-0483b1c51684
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
cerere de participare.semnat (20).pdf
cerere de participare.semnat (20).pdf
ID: 0c9eca0b-f255-48bc-b414-efcd839fb877
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
declaratie privind valabilitatea ofertei.semnat (15).pdf
declaratie privind valabilitatea ofertei.semnat (15).pdf
ID: 0da91756-3fed-4c61-b44e-0d7f531b8360
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:29
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:29
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
certificat stingator - копия.semnat.pdf
certificat stingator - копия.semnat.pdf
ID: 336c431b-5c49-4dfb-9b42-42bce5d34ff5
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
duae penitenciar 2024 pdf.semnat (1).pdf
duae penitenciar 2024 pdf.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 6623e1be-2e7d-482b-9eec-c036655b82a9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:29
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
date despre participant semnat.semnat.pdf
date despre participant semnat.semnat.pdf
ID: b4c487d7-2620-464c-8d6f-d565a1d57a86
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
certificatul bancar .semnat electronic.semnat.semnat (1).pdf
certificatul bancar .semnat electronic.semnat.semnat (1).pdf
ID: bcca4ab4-0613-4031-b5a1-ada3a4eac1bc
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
garantie bancara sgb-6056 actualizata.signed.pdf
garantie bancara sgb-6056 actualizata.signed.pdf
ID: bf1bc3ce-ccac-4b34-bb8b-625131efc9a3
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:30
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
extras rejistru de stat .semnat.semnat (1).pdf
extras rejistru de stat .semnat.semnat (1).pdf
ID: c510ac41-f27d-4f55-8c7d-5a5e252aca1e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:29
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
certificat furtun incendiu.semnat (2).pdf
certificat furtun incendiu.semnat (2).pdf
ID: d01cc8f8-1a9b-4a58-a33f-532b519a866e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:28
Opening date:
2.10.24 14:22
specificatii tehnice 2.semnat (20).pdf
specificatii tehnice 2.semnat (20).pdf
ID: 26b8c8ad-15a6-4d0f-a277-577580d3df3a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:54
Opening date:
2.10.24 15:28
specificatie pret 2.semnat (1).pdf
specificatie pret 2.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 86d5ac9a-4f25-4db4-a07b-6896386efed1
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:54
Opening date:
2.10.24 15:28
specificatii tehnice 1.semnat (18).pdf
specificatii tehnice 1.semnat (18).pdf
ID: a9f997cf-00a4-41f0-8060-0802e805ca18
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:54
Opening date:
2.10.24 15:28
specificatie pret 1.semnat (1).pdf
specificatie pret 1.semnat (1).pdf
ID: f0b87b44-47c8-4619-8f50-93a756f34929
Financial proposal
Date of download:
1.10.24 12:54
Opening date:
2.10.24 15:28
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed