Enquiry period
with 01.08.2024 16:39
to 15.08.2024 14:55
Bidding period
with 15.08.2024 14:55
to 09.09.2024 14:55

Bids have been evaluated
Status Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT 891 789,24 MDL
Period of clarifications: 1 Aug 2024, 16:39 - 15 Aug 2024, 14:55
Submission of proposals: 15 Aug 2024, 14:55 - 9 Sep 2024, 14:55
Auction start date: will not be used

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.

Lot nr. 18 Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon,5m x 10cm, nesterilă, densitatea min 32g/m2 (Consumabil nr. 807 )
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2005, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, mun. Chișinău MD-2005, bd. Grigore Vieru, 22/2
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Aurelia Botica
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
1 Aug 2024, 16:35
Date modified
13 Aug 2024, 14:55
Estimated value (without VAT)
891 789,24 MDL
Achizitii.md ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2005, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, mun. Chișinău MD-2005, bd. Grigore Vieru, 22/2
Contract period
1 Jan 2025 02:00 - 31 Dec 2025 02:00
List of positions
Lot nr. 18 Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon,5m x 10cm, nesterilă, densitatea min 32g/m2 (Consumabil nr. 807 ) CPV: 33100000-1 - Medical equipments
Quantity: 401255.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Documents of the procurement procedure
contract nou.docx
Bidding Documents
1.08.24 16:39
Bidding Documents
1.08.24 16:39
duae_ro_0 (1).doc
Bidding Documents
1.08.24 16:39
lista de distribuție 01.08.2024.xlsx
Bidding Documents
1.08.24 16:39
formularele 13.08.2024.xlsx
Bidding Documents
13.08.24 14:55
anunt de participare 13.08.2024.signed.pdf anunt de participare 13.08.2024.signed.pdf
Bidding Documents
13.08.24 14:55

The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.

Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:

1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”

2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP bap@tender.gov.md отсканированное решение рабочей группы.

4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..

Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):

IM Becor SRL

Normalized price: 738 309,20 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: The bid does not comply with the Tender Documents
Qualification documents
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):

ICS "Farmina" SRL

Normalized price: 758 412,08 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: The bid does not comply with the Tender Documents
Qualification documents
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):

Tetis International Co. SRL

Normalized price: 766 397,05 MDL
Status: Winner
Reason: Oferta corespunde tuturor cerințelor solicitate în documentația standard.
Qualification documents
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 814 547,65 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):

Baramed SRL

Normalized price: 850 660,60 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 876 782,30 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 890 745,97 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 1 135 591,78 MDL
Status: Awaiting

Documents such as "Qualification Documentation", "financial proposal" and "Illustration" will be browseable for all only after your offer has been placed in "pending" status.

Reason: Not indicated
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
The history of the auction
View auction
Lot nr. 18 Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon,5m x 10cm, nesterilă, densitatea min 32g/m2 (Consumabil nr. 807 )
12 Aug 2024, 10:09
Question's name:
Sarcina de Rupere
Buna ziua, in conformitate cu standardul SM SR EN 14079:2003 si cele ulterioare, saracina de rupere pentru Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon de orice marime se masoare doar pe URZEALA. Pe Batatura standartul nu prevede. Pentru tifon care are lătimea de 90 cm poate fi masurată si pe batatura, Astfel rugăm excludearea sintagmei Sarcina de rupere a feșii de 50x200mm: în bătătura, N, min=40 pentru Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon, 7m x 14 cm nesterila densitatea 32gr/m2.
Answer (13 Aug 2024, 14:53):
Bună ziua. Se acceptă excluderea parametrului de ține de sarcina ruperii în bătătură, conform Anunțului de Participare din 13.08.2024.
Lot nr. 18 Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon,5m x 10cm, nesterilă, densitatea min 32g/m2 (Consumabil nr. 807 )
12 Aug 2024, 10:11
Question's name:
Sarcina de rupere
Buna ziua, in conformitate cu standardul SM SR EN 14079:2003 si cele ulterioare, saracina de rupere pentru Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon de orice marime se masoare doar pe URZEALA. Pe Batatura standartul nu prevede. Pentru tifon care are lătimea de 90 cm poate fi masurată si pe batatura, Astfel rugăm excludearea sintagmei Sarcina de rupere a feșii de 50x200mm: în bătătura, N, min=40 pentru Bandaj (Feșe) de tifon, 5m x 10 cm nesterila densitatea 32gr/m2.
Answer (13 Aug 2024, 14:53):
Bună ziua. Se acceptă excluderea parametrului de ține de sarcina ruperii în bătătură, conform Anunțului de Participare din 13.08.2024.
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.