Public procurement
Printer, compatibil cu electrocardiograful MAC 2000
Enquiry period
with 07.05.2024 11:33
to 19.05.2024 13:32
to 19.05.2024 13:32
Bidding period
with 19.05.2024 13:32
to 12.06.2024 12:32
to 12.06.2024 12:32
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
3 500 MDL
Period of clarifications:
7 May 2024, 11:33 - 19 May 2024, 13:32
Submission of proposals:
19 May 2024, 13:32 - 12 Jun 2024, 12:32
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Printer, compatibil cu electrocardiograful MAC 2000
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2001, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Melestiu, 20
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
3 May 2024, 14:44
Date modified
10 May 2024, 16:43
Estimated value (without VAT)
3 500 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
2001, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Melestiu, 20
Contract period
24 Jun 2024 03:00 - 31 Dec 2024 02:00
List of positions
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
17 580 MDL
In consideration
Reason: Not indicated
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
certificat_conturi_2023 intermed c180e01692.signed.semnat.pdf
certificat_conturi_2023 intermed c180e01692.signed.semnat.pdf
ID: 0e84b435-e2b0-4651-ad62-99ae12c9fdc3
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
ID: 11d71ced-0122-483c-9bed-7f0560021d79
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
extras-societate cu răspundere limitată _intermed_.semnat.pdf
extras-societate cu răspundere limitată _intermed_.semnat.pdf
ID: 4c59f4b5-0277-4935-9e58-1f51e02d6df2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
intermed srl confirmare producator eee (lista producatorilor).semnat.pdf
intermed srl confirmare producator eee (lista producatorilor).semnat.pdf
ID: 5c58c42f-af15-4886-8571-929567b73ab3
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
ID: 6f0f7c2f-d19e-4fea-ae37-1ed7ebc6e675
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
ID: 946cc65a-aabb-475d-a483-6c34de2c0bda
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1712804.semnat.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1712804.semnat.pdf
ID: fd8838bd-656a-4f1c-8b30-9ef96ceb6c32
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:00
Opening date:
14.06.24 10:13
dumitras s. certificat aisys cs2 differences.semnat.pdf
dumitras s. certificat aisys cs2 differences.semnat.pdf
ID: 0a28f2b7-a593-4ba5-a3ef-a0492fb3a512
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
dumitras ge arc carescape r860 14.03.19-2021.semnat.pdf
dumitras ge arc carescape r860 14.03.19-2021.semnat.pdf
ID: 1c4073e3-5ad8-4a80-93a4-45917aab7994
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
dumitras ge 16.02.2017.semnat.pdf
dumitras ge 16.02.2017.semnat.pdf
ID: 236ce4c2-fe6c-4540-8c2d-a885a0f80a35
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
aisys ce doc_signed 14 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
aisys ce doc_signed 14 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
ID: 3aec93c5-4ad9-4d5a-ac91-ff462c55bc1d
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
anexa nr.7 cererea de participare int.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.7 cererea de participare int.semnat.pdf
ID: 3d55851b-103d-4724-b735-21f5de67b4b1
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
formularele 23 intermed paladi.semnat.pdf
formularele 23 intermed paladi.semnat.pdf
ID: 4f77dcd7-437c-4afe-aac4-427300b040fc
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
diploma_a. guranda.semnat.pdf
diploma_a. guranda.semnat.pdf
ID: 5dd938dc-901c-4769-bb04-55ab02d3d5f8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
duae intermed 2024.semnat.pdf
duae intermed 2024.semnat.pdf
ID: 7c91f4ed-56c5-4b61-9b33-e5f141f2906e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
ID: 84998040-fdec-4b54-8d09-0d41ae7ac01a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
formularele 22 intermed paladi.semnat.pdf
formularele 22 intermed paladi.semnat.pdf
ID: 9eb2333f-41b5-4b53-97db-f41b95d44eea
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
avance ce doc doc0929222 signed pdf_12 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
avance ce doc doc0929222 signed pdf_12 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
ID: a2a8358f-48de-41f8-a5ce-14a07211ef29
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
dumitras carestation 600 12.06.2017.semnat.pdf
dumitras carestation 600 12.06.2017.semnat.pdf
ID: ae85a892-d22a-49b9-9fcd-58e5ab76cdf2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
anexa nr.8 declaratia privind valabilitatea ofertei int.semnat.pdf
anexa nr.8 declaratia privind valabilitatea ofertei int.semnat.pdf
ID: b0c9c1c9-6566-49a1-be7c-3b8b160e23fd
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
aestiva 7900 ce declaration of conformity_signed 14 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
aestiva 7900 ce declaration of conformity_signed 14 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
ID: b88fdf67-bc33-44c9-b1e3-db05143eb2ca
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
aespire 7900 ce doc_signed 14 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
aespire 7900 ce doc_signed 14 jan 2015.semnat.pdf
ID: c95d91fb-3e1a-4d62-8218-e5bb414a5380
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
31.05 ld2415200339 garantie de oferta intermed paladi.signed.semnat.pdf
31.05 ld2415200339 garantie de oferta intermed paladi.signed.semnat.pdf
ID: e4ddd726-eb1d-4376-b24c-2f33bb7d5a11
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
dumitras s. certificat carescape respiratory modules.semnat.pdf
dumitras s. certificat carescape respiratory modules.semnat.pdf
ID: f728d5d8-ece4-461e-97c1-5ea666f37871
Financial proposal
Date of download:
3.06.24 16:07
Opening date:
14.06.24 11:42
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed