Public procurement
Enquiry period
with 19.03.2024 15:45
to 27.03.2024 09:29
to 27.03.2024 09:29
Bidding period
with 27.03.2024 09:29
to 30.03.2024 12:29
to 30.03.2024 12:29
with 01.04.2024 12:00
to 01.04.2024 12:09
to 01.04.2024 12:09
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
98 000 MDL
Period of clarifications:
19 Mar 2024, 15:45 - 27 Mar 2024, 9:29
Submission of proposals:
27 Mar 2024, 9:29 - 30 Mar 2024, 12:29
Auction start date:
1 Apr 2024, 12:00
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Set de diagnostic prin tehnica ELISA blocking pentru detectia anticorpilor Virusului Leucozei Enzootice Bovine (gp.51) in ser sangvin de la bovine.
Componenţa setului:
1 set – 2-10 placi/192-960 teste. O placa cu 96 godeuri captuşite cu stripuri (barete) detaşabile (12/placa) cite 8 godeuri, de polisteren,
control pozitiv – lichid sau liofilizat,
control negativ – lichid sau liofilizat,
soluţie de stopare,substrat,
conjugatul gata de utilizare sau conjugat concentrat,
soluții pentru diluarea probelor examinate, prepararea reactivelor și soluţie de spălare concentrată
folii adezive pentru plăci.
In cazul de diluarea serurilor cercetate, aceasta să se facă direct în placa captuşită DO-450nm Ori DO-620nm
Setul trebuie sa contina suficient martor pozitiv cat si negativ, incat sa se poata lucra fractionat (nu numai o singura placa in intregime), respectiv minim 6 masurari dintr-o placa. Dupa reconstituire, martori liofilizați trebuie sa poata fi folositi pana la epuizare.
Sa fie produse si sa detina performantele in conformitate cu cerintele Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals, (WOAH founded as OIE) si cerinţilor prevăzute în Directiva 64/432/CCE (Commission decision din 15 decembrie 2009) actualizat.
Serul de refrinta OIE E05 trebuie sa fie pozitiv la o dilutie de 10 ori mai mare decit numarul de seruri indidividuale in amestic de seruri (10seruri in amestic – dilutia 1/100).
Setul sa contina un certificat,sau alt document care confirma calitatea produsului, de la producator sau de la un laborator international de referinta OIE, in care sa se specifice: sensibilitatea; specficitatea; reproductibilitatea; limita de detectie a setului.
Certificat ISO 9001.
Componenţa setului:
1 set – 2-10 placi/192-960 teste. O placa cu 96 godeuri captuşite cu stripuri (barete) detaşabile (12/placa) cite 8 godeuri, de polisteren,
control pozitiv – lichid sau liofilizat,
control negativ – lichid sau liofilizat,
soluţie de stopare,substrat,
conjugatul gata de utilizare sau conjugat concentrat,
soluții pentru diluarea probelor examinate, prepararea reactivelor și soluţie de spălare concentrată
folii adezive pentru plăci.
In cazul de diluarea serurilor cercetate, aceasta să se facă direct în placa captuşită DO-450nm Ori DO-620nm
Setul trebuie sa contina suficient martor pozitiv cat si negativ, incat sa se poata lucra fractionat (nu numai o singura placa in intregime), respectiv minim 6 masurari dintr-o placa. Dupa reconstituire, martori liofilizați trebuie sa poata fi folositi pana la epuizare.
Sa fie produse si sa detina performantele in conformitate cu cerintele Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals, (WOAH founded as OIE) si cerinţilor prevăzute în Directiva 64/432/CCE (Commission decision din 15 decembrie 2009) actualizat.
Serul de refrinta OIE E05 trebuie sa fie pozitiv la o dilutie de 10 ori mai mare decit numarul de seruri indidividuale in amestic de seruri (10seruri in amestic – dilutia 1/100).
Setul sa contina un certificat,sau alt document care confirma calitatea produsului, de la producator sau de la un laborator international de referinta OIE, in care sa se specifice: sensibilitatea; specficitatea; reproductibilitatea; limita de detectie a setului.
Certificat ISO 9001.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2051, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Murelor, 3
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
19 Mar 2024, 15:41
Date modified
20 Mar 2024, 12:27
Estimated value (without VAT)
98 000 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
980 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Request price offers (goods)
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2051, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Murelor, 3
Contract period
1 May 2024 03:00 - 30 Dec 2024 02:00
List of positions
Quantity: 4800.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Quantity: 1440.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
anunt de participare (2).semnat.pdf
anunt de participare (2).semnat.pdf
Bidding Documents
19.03.24 15:47
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
ÎM „Autoritate Grup” SRL
Normalized price:
97 968 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
02.04.24 10:44
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
p12blvk1 ingezim blv confirmation 1.signed.pdf
p12blvk1 ingezim blv confirmation 1.signed.pdf
ID: 1b0f6123-f14b-4f9b-8def-5f9e58ba46d4
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:15
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
extras-societatea cu răspundere limitată _autoritate grup_ (1).signed.pdf
extras-societatea cu răspundere limitată _autoritate grup_ (1).signed.pdf
ID: 4e63e078-48c2-4879-b8d3-5754bbf2df55
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:05
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
iso 9001_gsd_valid_22.12.2025.signed.pdf
iso 9001_gsd_valid_22.12.2025.signed.pdf
ID: 531645e2-5fa5-4e3e-a79d-6dde2d4a95a2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:11
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
ID: 6ffda539-609b-47e4-b83b-3c18119754f8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:14
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
specificație tehnică.signed.pdf
specificație tehnică.signed.pdf
ID: 91737f4d-a363-4045-b465-4db10f65aee9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:02
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
declarație privind valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
declarație privind valabilitatea ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: 92387689-3acd-4b0e-81da-7cff986f1b05
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:03
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
blvk1 confirmation 2014.signed.pdf
blvk1 confirmation 2014.signed.pdf
ID: 9785ea07-aea2-4fe3-897d-4c28f78a4548
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:15
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
garanție pentru ofertă.signed.pdf
garanție pentru ofertă.signed.pdf
ID: a98213db-24f6-42c7-a83a-53e4834d332e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:29
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
it-i-12-blvk3 i-technical report blv 2.0 (2017).signed.pdf
it-i-12-blvk3 i-technical report blv 2.0 (2017).signed.pdf
ID: b1e9f7fe-5caa-4b79-adeb-e055f8510035
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:13
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
cerere de participare.signed.pdf
cerere de participare.signed.pdf
ID: b2561b28-3135-4fe4-b027-0559678cef2a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:02
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
ID: bf2efbf5-a3ae-4b30-94c4-9506c4c503f9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:04
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
specificație de preț.signed.pdf
specificație de preț.signed.pdf
ID: c484be11-ca32-4bff-8304-a2588538dde4
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:03
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:01
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
certificat cont bancar.signed.pdf
certificat cont bancar.signed.pdf
ID: d9e601e3-b991-424c-b5ad-475d27bd2c19
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:04
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
autorizație de import sanvet depozit.signed.pdf
autorizație de import sanvet depozit.signed.pdf
ID: f1698a6d-3213-4768-b803-658025e998f8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:06
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1538027 (1).signed.pdf
certificat privind lipsa restantelor - 1538027 (1).signed.pdf
ID: f237a44c-84d5-4c45-b645-8dd984634db4
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 16:06
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:44
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
105 000 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
02.04.24 10:45
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
3. anexa 22_specificații tehnice_lp_ 21188844.signed.pdf
3. anexa 22_specificații tehnice_lp_ 21188844.signed.pdf
ID: 2528d8cd-f708-4c82-8b17-2dd71cb33f8f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:35
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
2. anexa 7_cerere participare_ lp21188844.signed.pdf
2. anexa 7_cerere participare_ lp21188844.signed.pdf
ID: 2c4cc9c1-4bd0-44db-b4b8-7f947d11fa4c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:35
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
lot 1.1it-i-12-blvk3 i-technical report blv compac 2 0_gsd.signed.pdf
lot 1.1it-i-12-blvk3 i-technical report blv compac 2 0_gsd.signed.pdf
ID: 3193078b-083e-4dc9-bb00-229afda27023
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:44
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:47
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
5. gsd_iso 9001-2015.signed.pdf
5. gsd_iso 9001-2015.signed.pdf
ID: 539d240e-aaab-4373-9481-8b5362d5fb7c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:38
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
lot 1.2 technical-sheet-blv-confirmation.signed.pdf
lot 1.2 technical-sheet-blv-confirmation.signed.pdf
ID: 5a520756-eed8-42a5-bbb6-7526c3add6f6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:46
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
lot 1.1 protocol-12blvk3-ingezim-blv-compac-20.signed.pdf
lot 1.1 protocol-12blvk3-ingezim-blv-compac-20.signed.pdf
ID: 5b09fd54-1bec-47f0-b95f-51c6b4ce97e4
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:43
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:48
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
5. blvk_oie reference_laboratory_for_ebl.signed.pdf
5. blvk_oie reference_laboratory_for_ebl.signed.pdf
ID: 8766f4ad-a519-4231-951c-0a99d28d3fbc
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:37
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
ID: 920fed9d-ddd7-4e3f-b6e2-cbe9fbb5af55
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:34
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:40
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
lot 1.2 12blvk1protocolo-bi.signed.pdf
lot 1.2 12blvk1protocolo-bi.signed.pdf
ID: b5da06ba-a00c-44ef-b559-96e37eb84f21
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:45
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
lot 1.1 f-técnica-blv-compac-20.signed.pdf
lot 1.1 f-técnica-blv-compac-20.signed.pdf
ID: cb05c892-4461-469e-b5a4-2edebeefa0f2
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:43
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
7. anexa_8_declar. valab.ofertei_ lp_21188844.signed.pdf
7. anexa_8_declar. valab.ofertei_ lp_21188844.signed.pdf
ID: eb0d0550-aba8-4129-b353-cbd7709ce9b3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:42
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
lot 1.2 it-i-12-blvk1 i-technical report blv confirmation_gsd.signed.pdf
lot 1.2 it-i-12-blvk1 i-technical report blv confirmation_gsd.signed.pdf
ID: f0603d5e-c647-4afc-a8a4-9eada52a3107
Qualification documents
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:45
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
4. anexa 23_specificații de pret lp_ 21188844.signed.pdf
4. anexa 23_specificații de pret lp_ 21188844.signed.pdf
ID: fa2ebd48-24ac-4875-841e-2173fda5d0fa
Financial proposal
Date of download:
29.03.24 15:36
Opening date:
2.04.24 10:45
The history of the auction
View auction
21 Mar 2024, 09:39
Question's name:
Lot 1.2
Buna ziua. Lot 1.2 este pentru confirmare LEB? Deoarece Lot 1.1 - este detectia. Va rugam ca confirmati. Multumim.
Answer (21 Mar 2024, 16:37):
se vor propun ofertele conform anunului plasat
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed