Enquiry period
with 11.12.2023 14:28
to 12.12.2023 15:00
Bidding period
with 12.12.2023 15:00
to 26.12.2023 08:30

Bids have been evaluated
Status Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT 200 000 MDL
Period of clarifications: 11 Dec 2023, 14:28 - 12 Dec 2023, 15:00
Submission of proposals: 12 Dec 2023, 15:00 - 26 Dec 2023, 8:30
Auction start date: will not be used

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.

Lot 2 -Server
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2032, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Sarmizegetusa, 51
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Olesea Harea
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
11 Dec 2023, 14:22
Date modified
11 Dec 2023, 15:12
Estimated value (without VAT)
200 000 MDL
Achizitii.md ID
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2032, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Sarmizegetusa, 51
Contract period
28 Dec 2023 08:00 - 30 Dec 2024 08:00
List of positions
Lot 2 -Server CPV: 30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Documents of the procurement procedure
specificatii de preț.docx
Bidding Documents
11.12.23 14:28
documente standard formulare nr.3 nr.7-8.docx
Bidding Documents
11.12.23 14:28
documentului unic de achiziții european (duae).doc
Bidding Documents
11.12.23 14:28
Bidding Documents
11.12.23 14:28
anunt de participare.pdf anunt de participare.pdf
Bidding Documents
11.12.23 14:28
specificatii tehnice.docx
Bidding Documents
11.12.23 14:28
Lot documents
anunt de participare.pdf
11.12.23 14:28

The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.

Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:

1) Disqualify participants whose price is lower than that of the winner and indicate the reason for the disqualification.

2) Choose winner by clicking the button

4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..

Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 154 710 MDL
Status: Winner
Reason: Corespunde specificatiilor solicitate
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):


Normalized price: 167 891 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Participant(s) name(s):

I.C.S. Reliable Solutions Distributor S.R.L.

Normalized price: 175 400 MDL
Status: Cancelled
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
The history of the auction
View auction
Lot 2 -Server
11 Dec 2023, 15:12
Question's name:
Dulap p/u server 19” 42U/Prelungitorp/u server 19 Rack
Ce dimensiune al Dulapului este necesar? Cu usa din metal sau sticla? Care e lungimea prelungitorului ?
Answer (12 Dec 2023, 11:11):
Dimensiunile: H-42U, Latimea si adincimea sa corespunda serverului propus. Usa din sticla. Prelungitor 3 m.
Lot 2 -Server
12 Dec 2023, 09:44
Question's name:
1.Buna ziua va rog sa dati mai multe detaliice model de CPU trebuie sa fie instalat? 2.Nu este clar cum va fi conectat serverul, cîte proturi LAN/Sfp este nevoie?, Cablurile pentru porturile Sfp viteza și lungimea 3.Este nevoie de RAID controllers? Este destul RAID 0,1,10?
Answer (12 Dec 2023, 11:49):
Buna ziua! E necesar de 2 procesoare Xeon gold series. Este necesar sa fie de minim 4 porturi RJ45 1/10 GbE + minim 1 Port pentru Remote control module RJ45. Cabruri pentru SFP nu e nevoie, dar e de dorit sa contina minim un port SFP pentru conectare ulterioara. Este nevoie de RAID controllers. E necesar RAID 0,1,5,10. Pentru alte detalii apelati la nr. 069252923.
Lot 2 -Server
12 Dec 2023, 12:06
Question's name:
Este de dorit sa contina minim 1 port SFP pentru conectarea ulterioara? sau este obligatoriu? Deoarece pretul la echipament se schimba semnificativ la adaugarea 2 porturi SFP
Answer (12 Dec 2023, 13:01):
Obligatoriu minim 1 port.
Lot 2 -Server
12 Dec 2023, 12:08
Question's name:
Server Raid controler
Daca aveti nevoie de raid Controler in cazul dat trebuie sa aiba minim 8GB Cache Memory Size+ Raid 0,1,5,6,10,50,60
Answer (12 Dec 2023, 13:04):
E necesar sa contina Raid 0,1,5,10.
Lot 2 -Server
12 Dec 2023, 12:13
Question's name:
Rack usa
Usa din din sticla, nu va permite cu usurinta sa patrunda aerul in RACK si temperatura intotdeaunava fi mare de aceea va recomand sa analizati si usa metalica cu perforare din fata si din spate care va asigura o ventilatie ampla pentru servere si echipamentele din RACK. Astfel se permite ofertarea si cu usa din metal cu perforare?
Answer (12 Dec 2023, 13:04):
Se permite si usa din metal cu perforare.
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.