Public procurement
Servicii de proiectare: ”Reparația și reconstrucția bunului imobil din șos. Muncești 17, mun. Chisinău” pentru amplasarea Centrului de instruire în domeniul medicinii de urgență, calamităților și situații de criză din cadrul IMSP CNAMUP
Enquiry period
with 27.11.2023 11:42
to 06.12.2023 14:00
to 06.12.2023 14:00
Bidding period
with 06.12.2023 14:00
to 13.12.2023 14:00
to 13.12.2023 14:00
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
635 390 MDL
Period of clarifications:
27 Nov 2023, 11:42 - 6 Dec 2023, 14:00
Submission of proposals:
6 Dec 2023, 14:00 - 13 Dec 2023, 14:00
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Conform caietului de sarcini și tema de proiectare din anexa nr. 24 din Documentația standard.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2025, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Constantin Varnav nr.16
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
Date modified
13 Dec 2023, 15:21
Estimated value (without VAT)
635 390 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
2025, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Constantin Varnav nr.16
Contract period
1 Jan 2024 11:43 - 31 Dec 2024 11:43
List of positions
Servicii de proiectare: ”Reparația și reconstrucția bunului imobil din șos. Muncești 17, mun. Chisinău” pentru amplasarea Centrului de instruire în domeniul medicinii de urgență, calamităților și situații de criză din cadrul IMSP CNAMUP
CPV: 71200000-0 - Architectural and related services
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Unitate
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
202311271139_Model declaratie privind confirmarea identitii beneficiarilor.doc
Bidding Documents
Model declaratie
27.11.23 11:42
202311271139_Documentatia standard.docx
Bidding Documents
-Documentatia standard (inclus si caietul de sarcini)
27.11.23 11:42
First Name
Pestereanu Nina
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Atelierul de creație "Arh-Evolutio"
Normalized price:
497 000 MDL
Vizualizarea urmatoarei oferte!
13.12.23 15:21
Reason: Vizualizarea urmatoarei oferte!
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
05_declarație privin valabilitatea ofertei.semnat.pdf
05_declarație privin valabilitatea ofertei.semnat.pdf
ID: 0bf1b96a-60e2-4f94-8d42-683989500c33
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
01_propunerea tehnică.semnat.pdf
01_propunerea tehnică.semnat.pdf
ID: 0da53c54-85e4-4ff1-a0c5-c9ccdddf75f1
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
03_garantie bancara.semnat.pdf
03_garantie bancara.semnat.pdf
ID: 74fc8b0e-832e-4556-984d-d95bb98ab510
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
ID: 953e38ee-027b-49ea-acf8-e6e73245483b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
02_propunerea financiară.semnat.pdf
02_propunerea financiară.semnat.pdf
ID: 99aad840-d686-4aa6-bb37-7b579ee3e52f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
06_certificat lipsa datorii.semnat.pdf
06_certificat lipsa datorii.semnat.pdf
ID: ad1d3580-0265-4d16-96a9-87d1126cad65
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
08__personalul de specialitate.semnat.pdf
08__personalul de specialitate.semnat.pdf
ID: aefaf4f1-d118-412f-bc3b-3039bcdddde0
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 13:49
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
600 000 MDL
Oferta corespunde cerintelor solicitate.
29.01.25 13:30
Reason: Oferta corespunde cerintelor solicitate.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
16.5-declaratie privind valabilitatea ofertei.semnat.pdf
16.5-declaratie privind valabilitatea ofertei.semnat.pdf
ID: 021de453-67e0-4910-a0fa-5e09f48cf086
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:55
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
16.7-declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
16.7-declarație privind experiența similară.semnat.pdf
ID: 39d2cdc4-2299-49b2-a214-0964de1bcfda
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:56
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
16.2 - specificații de preț anexa nr. 23.semnat.pdf
16.2 - specificații de preț anexa nr. 23.semnat.pdf
ID: 465a3f45-9c7c-4f0c-ae52-a2f67005e6e8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:55
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
16.6-extras privind lipsa restantelor - 2310373.semnat.pdf
16.6-extras privind lipsa restantelor - 2310373.semnat.pdf
ID: 4f9a367b-5371-4a0e-8c59-1ceb4c253df5
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:56
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
ID: 53bab731-7d10-4e97-b61d-c84de0762a4a
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:55
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
16.3 - oferta cu garantia.semnat.pdf
16.3 - oferta cu garantia.semnat.pdf
ID: 9e13a6b5-87c4-4fe3-afa9-286aa85169b8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:55
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
16.1 - specificații tehnice anexa nr. 22.semnat.pdf
16.1 - specificații tehnice anexa nr. 22.semnat.pdf
ID: a35b8a87-2db8-4874-84a7-ecb10da14a19
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:55
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
16.8-anexa 15 declaraţie privind personalul.semnat.pdf
16.8-anexa 15 declaraţie privind personalul.semnat.pdf
ID: e4995906-9639-44d8-974c-b8e8a48b2018
Qualification documents
Date of download:
13.12.23 01:56
Opening date:
13.12.23 15:21
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed