Căciuliță cu 20 electrozi, 48-52 cm, compatibil cu electroencefalograf de model Neurowerk EEG 58, producător Sigma MedizinTechnik GmbH, Germania
to 28.08.2023 10:00
to 04.09.2023 10:00
to 05.09.2023 14:46
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
ds_bunuri_servicii_omf_115_15_09_2021 botanica parafarm_ 6 - 2023.signed.pdf
ds_bunuri_servicii_omf_115_15_09_2021 botanica parafarm_ 6 - 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 66daaf39-cfe1-4805-934a-556129314ce8
Bidding Documents
ds_bunuri_servicii_omf_115_15_09_2021 botanica parafarm_ 6 - 2023.docx
ID: 66daaf39-cfe1-4805-934a-556129314ce8
Bidding Documents
anunț de participare 2023 - articole parafarmaceutice_ 6 - 2023.signed.pdf
anunț de participare 2023 - articole parafarmaceutice_ 6 - 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 8f0c96a4-9456-46b4-b344-db49da4acae0
anunț de participare 2023 - articole parafarmaceutice_ 6 - 2023.docx
ID: 8f0c96a4-9456-46b4-b344-db49da4acae0
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
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Health Medical Solutions
Labromed Laborator SRL