Public procurement
Servicii de proiectare a rețelelor exterioare de alimentare cu apă în com.Băcioi (satele Băcioi, Străisteni, Frumușica)
Enquiry period
with 28.04.2023 16:01
to 10.05.2023 10:00
to 10.05.2023 10:00
Bidding period
with 10.05.2023 10:00
to 19.05.2023 09:00
to 19.05.2023 09:00
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
1 400 000 MDL
Period of clarifications:
28 Apr 2023, 16:01 - 10 May 2023, 10:00
Submission of proposals:
10 May 2023, 10:00 - 19 May 2023, 9:00
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Servicii de proiectare a rețelelor exterioare de alimentare cu apă în com.Băcioi (satele Băcioi, Străisteni, Frumușica)
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-6812, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, s.Băcioi, Independenței 125
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
28 Apr 2023, 13:44
Date modified
29 Apr 2023, 15:55
Estimated value (without VAT)
1 400 000 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The best price-quality ratio
Delivery address
MD-6812, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, s.Băcioi, Independenței 125
Contract period
22 May 2023 15:59 - 31 Dec 2023 15:59
List of positions
Servicii de proiectare a rețelelor exterioare de alimentare cu apă în com.Băcioi (satele Băcioi, Străisteni, Frumușica)
CPV: 71322200-3 - Pipeline-design services
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
anunț de participare 2023.signed.pdf
anunț de participare 2023.signed.pdf
Bidding Documents
28.04.23 16:01
ds_bunuri_servicii_omf_115_15_09_2021 (9).signed.pdf
ds_bunuri_servicii_omf_115_15_09_2021 (9).signed.pdf
Bidding Documents
28.04.23 16:59
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
1 287 228 MDL
Oferta corespunde cerințelor înaintate de către autoritatea contractantă.
22.05.23 09:00
Reason: Oferta corespunde cerințelor înaintate de către autoritatea contractantă.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
8.1-formularul ofertei_fp.signed.pdf
8.1-formularul ofertei_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 0855342d-1f26-4b59-9011-1c96757fe55f
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
anexa nr.12-declaratie prestari servicii_fp.signed.pdf
anexa nr.12-declaratie prestari servicii_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 0f225662-5dab-4265-a557-e6ccc048b0a5
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.2.1-certificat atestare_c1_rosca c_fp.signed.pdf
7.2.1-certificat atestare_c1_rosca c_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 14746cd0-479c-44cd-94e1-f8f7685a84b3
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
anexa nr.7-cerere de participare_fp.signed.pdf
anexa nr.7-cerere de participare_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 1d28fff0-3336-48e7-bfc4-e8eb5a74162b
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.1.1-experienta similara-contract adr centru-ialoveni_fp.signed.pdf
7.1.1-experienta similara-contract adr centru-ialoveni_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 32e325f1-b771-4a2d-9b1c-b81d291a1fc5
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
anexa nr.8-declaratie valabilitate oferta_fp.signed.pdf
anexa nr.8-declaratie valabilitate oferta_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 33d8903b-3e41-40c1-99d2-5997780d77df
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
ID: 3836e079-4594-4628-96db-d1dc5dfe2aec
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.2.4-certificat atestare_b2_chirtoca v_fp.signed.pdf
7.2.4-certificat atestare_b2_chirtoca v_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 3fe97394-dc28-4d77-af66-f508c6ba2873
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
anexa nr.13-declaratie dotari specifice_fp.signed.pdf
anexa nr.13-declaratie dotari specifice_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 44146cdc-53d7-4f04-981a-91d76d66158c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
8.2-deviz de cheltuieli_fp.signed.pdf
8.2-deviz de cheltuieli_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 4bf5cd86-1765-4374-ac15-6011212e134c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.2.2-certificat atestare_c1_cretu i_fp.signed.pdf
7.2.2-certificat atestare_c1_cretu i_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 4f3104c3-b897-4b2f-8eb3-acf8efaf03e5
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
anexa nr.14-declaratie personal de specialitate_fp.signed.pdf
anexa nr.14-declaratie personal de specialitate_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 4f651cc8-58d9-4db8-b796-82e53b9684e4
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
4.1-certificat lipsa datorii 1013600030712 - 17.05.2023_fp.signed.pdf
4.1-certificat lipsa datorii 1013600030712 - 17.05.2023_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 5154618a-d81b-4dbb-917d-f9611c278d05
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
5.1-decizie inregistrare_1013600030712_fp.signed.pdf
5.1-decizie inregistrare_1013600030712_fp.signed.pdf
ID: 69a6c736-52ec-482c-81e9-7c908b8e7691
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
6.3-confirmare disponibilitate bani lichizi_fp.signed.signed.pdf
6.3-confirmare disponibilitate bani lichizi_fp.signed.signed.pdf
ID: a4119b0f-b46d-4a21-b991-6256727f2a68
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.2.5-certificat atestare_c4_seretinean a_fp.signed.pdf
7.2.5-certificat atestare_c4_seretinean a_fp.signed.pdf
ID: b7ada668-237b-47f1-b708-473f760df693
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
2-anexa nr.23-specificatii de pret_fp.signed.pdf
2-anexa nr.23-specificatii de pret_fp.signed.pdf
ID: b883ab57-c882-4e86-b681-3aa32006a77d
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
anexa nr.16, 17, 18, 19, 20_fp.signed.signed.signed.signed.signed.pdf
anexa nr.16, 17, 18, 19, 20_fp.signed.signed.signed.signed.signed.pdf
ID: c14700e8-cba5-4e82-8f09-85c6106e7672
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.1.2-experienta similara-contract tika-vulcanesti_fp.signed.pdf
7.1.2-experienta similara-contract tika-vulcanesti_fp.signed.pdf
ID: cd24eaa3-7eeb-48c2-b589-3f2200e8b39a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
6.1-6.2-cifra de afaceri-lichiditatea_fp.signed.pdf
6.1-6.2-cifra de afaceri-lichiditatea_fp.signed.pdf
ID: d4f1b697-77eb-4759-8314-184d424f6ee2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.2.6-certificat atestare_d_rosca t_fp.signed.pdf
7.2.6-certificat atestare_d_rosca t_fp.signed.pdf
ID: e2bfdd3a-a407-40b8-a7c4-f60322e6be20
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
1-anexa nr.22-specificatii tehnice_fp.signed.pdf
1-anexa nr.22-specificatii tehnice_fp.signed.pdf
ID: ec5ecca4-18be-42fa-b259-3549ba69097c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
7.2.3-certificat atestare_a1_pluta e_fp.signed.pdf
7.2.3-certificat atestare_a1_pluta e_fp.signed.pdf
ID: fbf441a4-3181-4840-9580-e2f6b64277c4
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
3-sgb oferta_318-12.05.2023_fp.signed.pdf
3-sgb oferta_318-12.05.2023_fp.signed.pdf
ID: fd8c0e16-82a7-446e-9abb-6f26c204fee8
Financial proposal
Date of download:
18.05.23 14:24
Opening date:
19.05.23 09:00
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed