Public procurement
Asigurare obligatorie RCA și Asigurare benevolă CASCO
Enquiry period
with 10.04.2023 10:29
to 21.04.2023 09:41
to 21.04.2023 09:41
Bidding period
with 21.04.2023 09:41
to 26.04.2023 09:41
to 26.04.2023 09:41
with 27.04.2023 15:00
to 27.04.2023 15:36
to 27.04.2023 15:36
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
480 000 MDL
Period of clarifications:
10 Apr 2023, 10:29 - 21 Apr 2023, 9:41
Submission of proposals:
21 Apr 2023, 9:41 - 26 Apr 2023, 9:41
Auction start date:
27 Apr 2023, 15:00
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Servicii de asigurare obligatorie civilă auto – RCA, conform Legii nr. 414 din 22.12.2006, cu privire la asigurarea obligatorie de răspundere civilă pentru pagube produse de autovehicule - 245 de automobile. (Conform Anexei nr.1)
Asigurare benevolă CASCO - 24 de automobile. (Conform Anexei nr.2)
Asigurare benevolă CASCO - 24 de automobile. (Conform Anexei nr.2)
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Vlaicu Pîrcălab, 48
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
10 Apr 2023, 10:09
Date modified
19 Apr 2023, 9:41
Estimated value (without VAT)
480 000 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
14 400 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Vlaicu Pîrcălab, 48
Contract period
2 May 2023 10:24 - 28 Dec 2023 10:24
List of positions
Asigurare obligatorie RCA și Asigurare benevolă CASCO
CPV: 66500000-5 - Insurance and pension services
Quantity: 269.0
Unit of measurement: Unitate
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
declarație formular.docx
Eligibility Criteria
privind neîncadrarea în situațiile prevăzute la art.16 alin.(2) lit.a) din Legea nr.246/2017 cu privire la întreprinderea de stat și întreprinderea municipală
10.04.23 10:29
Ofertă formular.docx
Eligibility Criteria
-Formularul ofertei pentru bunuri și servicii
10.04.23 10:29
Asigurare auto rca-casco.pdf
Asigurare auto rca-casco.pdf
Invitație de participare
10.04.23 10:29
Lot documents
anexa 1 rca.xlsx
Documents history
anexa 1 rca.xlsx
ID: dda4293c-c44a-4d2d-b444-44ab19b9f9fb19.04.23 09:41Bidding Documents
Anexa 1 rca.xlsx
ID: dda4293c-c44a-4d2d-b444-44ab19b9f9fb10.04.23 10:29Bidding Documents
Lista Autovehiculelor pentru asigurarea RCA
19.04.23 09:41
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
453 808,91 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:42
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
4 declaratie plata.signed.pdf
4 declaratie plata.signed.pdf
ID: 002e83b8-e980-46f3-8e41-dcadc54a40ae
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
7. cnpf - 04-5-298 din 06.02.2023.signed.signed.pdf
7. cnpf - 04-5-298 din 06.02.2023.signed.signed.pdf
ID: 00405569-be39-4fd7-84f8-323556ba4277
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
10 declarație formular (2).signed.pdf
10 declarație formular (2).signed.pdf
ID: 068c5406-7c1e-433e-a796-8888a30c281f
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
6 declaratie fransiza.signed.pdf
6 declaratie fransiza.signed.pdf
ID: 8e8151ed-27d4-4bd5-a7b1-30c48ebe3817
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
5. conditiile autocasco.signed.pdf
5. conditiile autocasco.signed.pdf
ID: a5e335af-cc42-45bb-8957-5ee5cf989031
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
8 declaratie oblig.signed.pdf
8 declaratie oblig.signed.pdf
ID: a761431a-c0be-496c-9ee8-2d4395131b82
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
5. casco contract ro.signed.pdf
5. casco contract ro.signed.pdf
ID: c2538002-147c-40c9-a684-af236f773d03
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
2.extras_asterra grup_21-04-2023.signed.pdf
2.extras_asterra grup_21-04-2023.signed.pdf
ID: ded40312-5cdc-4c76-aac2-79c3da47db53
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:42
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
1 ofertă formular (1).signed.pdf
1 ofertă formular (1).signed.pdf
ID: 4b1ab067-4041-4841-9cb7-824a2b624869
Financial proposal
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:45
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:41
Financial proposal
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:45
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:41
Financial proposal
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:45
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:41
Participant(s) name(s):
Broker de Asigurare - Reasigurare HERMINA S.R.L.
Normalized price:
464 951,56 MDL
Conform procesului verbal AC-1198 din 04.05.2023, Grupul de lucru pentru achiziții a decis desemnarea ofertei câștigătoare - Broker de Asigurare-Reasigurare „HERMINA„ S.R.L.
04.08.23 08:02
Reason: Conform procesului verbal AC-1198 din 04.05.2023, Grupul de lucru pentru achiziții a decis desemnarea ofertei câștigătoare - Broker de Asigurare-Reasigurare „HERMINA„ S.R.L.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
202304251324_Declaratie fransiza CASCO.semnat.pdf
ID: 03baf04b-ef4c-43c0-93e3-c174731be96d
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251324_Declaratie de nedetinere obligatiuni scadente si neonorate.semnat.pdf
ID: 08f89872-a017-438c-8d66-262b6ae52b0a
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251324_CASCO Contract conditii ro.semnat.pdf
ID: 146aab0c-2cae-42ab-bfc2-b4197cd569b6
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251325_Declaratie termen de plata.semnat.pdf
ID: 20ab8190-f4be-4955-ad69-010188cf5d93
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251324_declarație formular anexat.semnat.pdf
ID: 2c43b8b4-5877-4607-af21-75124b644cca
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251324_anexa 1 cu pret_rca.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 3bd80307-dcfc-419a-934a-229fe03c9587
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251325_ofertă formular.semnat.pdf
ID: 45880471-519c-404e-914d-b86ced9af249
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251321_04-5-1095 din 21.04.2023_1.pdf
ID: 6f1d5f46-4561-4387-b00d-3de5cd50429f
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:21
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251325_LICENTA HERMINA-NOU.semnat.pdf
ID: a18f5f8a-f262-4ef4-937c-5f959bbc98dc
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251324_anexa 2 casco pret.semnat.pdf
ID: bba238d7-a3ca-4a63-a141-6f798b04ec6d
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251325_Extras din 20.10.2022.semnat.pdf
ID: d07eba0f-84ef-4d9c-ac02-dc0bf1c130a6
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
ID: d3a2f69f-0f59-4856-9e31-1ac83e47b3b1
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251325_Declaratie rata solvabilitatii asigurator.semnat.pdf
ID: f48c7ba3-0c76-48b1-bdcf-ca01c62d0f63
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
464 951,66 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:47
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
202304251727_anexa 2 casco pret.semnat.pdf
ID: 0ad6f306-b7b5-4c1e-a862-1d70f0cfb157
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:27
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251728_Extras Euasig din 25.10.22.semnat.pdf
ID: 221d5486-e1d6-4f91-bc37-c155f0368b44
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:28
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251728_Declaratie rata solvabilitatii asigurator_1.semnat.pdf
ID: 2742b1c4-043f-4d0b-9a6d-ea0de0b537de
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:28
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251728_ofertă formular.semnat.pdf
ID: 2f393e98-467c-42b5-8a99-0d7c12adc91b
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:28
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251727_Declaratie fransiza CASCO_1.semnat.pdf
ID: 58f1aa67-ca6c-429a-9fc1-cce12825e558
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:27
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251729_ACORD GRUP.pdf
ID: 591ce60e-0e41-4c6f-8a27-f847e4c7468e
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:29
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251727_anexa 1 cu pret_rca.semnat.pdf
ID: 61c8883a-e281-46d0-a988-4ab974b5aaba
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:27
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251727_declarație formular anexat_1.semnat.pdf
ID: 705fe10a-bad4-4136-828e-d743a75cdbde
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:27
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251727_Declaratie de nedetinere obligatiuni scadente si neonorate_1.semnat.pdf
ID: 7ff713bf-0df7-4bf5-a1b6-2794b3654dce
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:27
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
202304251728_Licenta EUASIG.semnat.pdf
ID: 9b5e84ba-83ad-44db-9399-1f64b82830dc
Documents of submission
Date of download:
25.04.23 17:28
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
479 857,73 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:48
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
ID: 3cb5a60b-c16b-4f75-9f25-26e4a07d3370
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 57b22d1d-3cab-4533-b162-438f26f387fa
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 65067a79-5b40-4be9-9beb-9873c3584fa5
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 79cd4a7f-f056-4865-95ac-821c9a59aa31
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 827e7dd6-5877-44e1-97b4-2b069be641bf
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 8ea8c9c8-e980-44da-80ee-25039f5ffa28
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 91a1bcab-820f-432f-ad5e-bf7630f7931e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 98762480-2a03-4768-92a3-2531c5be5760
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: 9e32fe3b-6539-44aa-ad13-33c44dbf485c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: a070e756-c8f8-46a0-9962-691d019170bf
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: a1b0e02d-e405-43fa-9ed7-61df334e1117
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: ce63935d-c09a-41e9-8be8-d5cec580251b
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: cf2f16cc-1472-409f-9f6c-525e9621b289
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
ID: fdab9944-ab69-4f10-8cb2-8cbdc2512779
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.23 09:25
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:47
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
505 860,40 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:50
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
ID: 17888e8f-aa94-4b02-b758-c86f0d8642c1
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: 1d949374-a4da-47c7-a24c-217e634ef710
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: 59ef11a2-c18f-4556-b4f7-5d8feed855e5
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: 61b7218f-d1c6-4d7f-964d-f24355e7b074
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: 64656c36-45c6-4d6d-a91b-9d12630bd80a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: 72e14aff-cc76-4e24-9f8c-f1ba3792efa2
Financial proposal
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: 91e3e7d3-f9a3-4219-93ef-cd5c10f735a6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: afc86704-cf7e-4ec8-854c-4a6bf4ceb50b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: bd3e4c05-230b-446d-bdab-3bc4e271ea4f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: ccf6fa1c-ef09-49e6-8715-a6c07b64300a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: d07b1234-d142-4e16-9bdd-cdda90777ce2
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:39
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: d9965afe-63aa-4583-adfd-cbb3b639f2da
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:38
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: dd084027-a19f-467e-9f2d-7a4df2e229cf
Financial proposal
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:39
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
ID: e783e533-3811-4d05-aee8-04a707fe02a0
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:39
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:49
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
607 186,25 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:51
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
07 declarație obligatii.signed.pdf
07 declarație obligatii.signed.pdf
ID: 11253b3d-a337-455f-bb26-b1952b790511
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
01 f-3.1-formularul-ofertei.signed.pdf
01 f-3.1-formularul-ofertei.signed.pdf
ID: 12d205b0-b2ab-451b-9d72-9f6e0cfd09a5
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
05 declaratia privind fransiza .signed.pdf
05 declaratia privind fransiza .signed.pdf
ID: 3876aee6-e726-4b65-ab69-0e4dbe402f75
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
04 proiect contract casco 2023.signed.pdf
04 proiect contract casco 2023.signed.pdf
ID: 57c57cf5-974a-4cc5-9276-f6af72458506
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
03 declaratie termenul de achitare.signed.pdf
03 declaratie termenul de achitare.signed.pdf
ID: 671dd321-684c-4ecc-ac02-90632229c61f
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
01 a anexa prime de asigurare rca .signed.pdf
01 a anexa prime de asigurare rca .signed.pdf
ID: 95e70c6a-6c43-4fe7-86f9-64ccfb5cd25f
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
09 declarație privind neîncadrarea în situațiile.signed.pdf
09 declarație privind neîncadrarea în situațiile.signed.pdf
ID: eae2c281-c8ff-4bc3-9250-a940ee97161b
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
01 b anexa 2 casco (1).signed.pdf
01 b anexa 2 casco (1).signed.pdf
ID: feb2f9c4-190f-4cb0-b093-1bf3a7217df9
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 10:49
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Participant(s) name(s):
Donaris Vienna Insurance Group
Normalized price:
622 974,35 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:53
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
declarație formular.signed.pdf
declarație formular.signed.pdf
ID: 5db70a0c-58fa-4832-a4dd-805de8d0de74
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
declaratie propria raspundere rata solvabilitatii 2022.signed.pdf
declaratie propria raspundere rata solvabilitatii 2022.signed.pdf
ID: a6a35686-309f-4991-a24a-766e0cbbc752
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
sanctiuni aplicate de cnpf.semnat.pdf
sanctiuni aplicate de cnpf.semnat.pdf
ID: acc80663-fdae-4a4a-bcad-3702c9140778
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
conditii de asigurare casco 2022.pdf
conditii de asigurare casco 2022.pdf
ID: bfc07780-ab77-4d9d-962b-1f7f3e77d941
Documents of submission
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Documents of submission
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
declaratie propria raspundere termen de plata.signed.pdf
declaratie propria raspundere termen de plata.signed.pdf
ID: e68735af-5c52-484e-8511-bcefecb22669
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
declaratie propria raspundere.signed.pdf
declaratie propria raspundere.signed.pdf
ID: f7dbeae4-0dd6-478f-8bfa-a1a4919c5675
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:37
Financial proposal
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:52
Financial proposal
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:52
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:52
Financial proposal
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:52
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.04.23 11:41
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:52
Participant(s) name(s):
Grawe Carat Asigurari
Normalized price:
629 891,42 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
27.04.23 15:54
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
licente reperfectate_22112022.semnat.pdf
licente reperfectate_22112022.semnat.pdf
ID: 0cf52515-d78b-4c21-b61d-036a2976f539
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
Financial proposal
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
declaratie proprie raspundere coefecient de solvabilitate si rata solvabilitatii.semnat.pdf
declaratie proprie raspundere coefecient de solvabilitate si rata solvabilitatii.semnat.pdf
ID: 3b67e8cb-146a-4c6a-bbe0-789858d37e8c
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
declaratie proprie raspundere.semnat.pdf
declaratie proprie raspundere.semnat.pdf
ID: 4cea767d-73a6-467e-b289-3a452689b9d3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
conditii casco_in vigoare din 01.01.2020.semnat.pdf
conditii casco_in vigoare din 01.01.2020.semnat.pdf
ID: 5bfb2f73-fc1e-496c-8362-368df3b001dd
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:46
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
declarație formular.semnat.pdf
declarație formular.semnat.pdf
ID: cf6540bf-c09a-4cae-9576-1148be2f1cc0
Qualification documents
Date of download:
25.04.23 19:44
Opening date:
27.04.23 15:53
The history of the auction
View auction
Asigurare obligatorie RCA și Asigurare benevolă CASCO
10 Apr 2023, 16:14
Question's name:
Buna ziua,
În anexa 1 rca, este indicat captractorul care tractează remorca pentru fiecare unitate în parte.
Conform Hotărârea CNPF nr. 25/2 din 24 iunie 2019, modificată prin Hotărârea CNPF nr. 42/13 din 23 august 2022 (Anexa nr.1), ”prima de asigurare pentru remorci se calculează prin aplicarea la prima de asigurare obligatorie pentru autovehicule a coeficientului unic egal cu 0,2 la asigurarea obligatorie de răspundere civilă auto internă”
Întrebarea este în cazul în care va fi depistat că un operator economic a calculat după o altă unitate decît cea indicată de Autoritatea contractantă, Oferta va fi respinsă sau nu?
Mulțumesc, anticipat
Answer (12 Apr 2023, 13:11):
Bună ziua,
drept răspuns la întrebarea dvs. vă informăm că, prima de asigurare pentru remorci trebuie să fie calculată conform unităților de transport indicate în anexa lotului, în caz contrar oferta va fi respinsă.
Asigurare obligatorie RCA și Asigurare benevolă CASCO
13 Apr 2023, 16:00
Question's name:
Buna ziua,
În Anexa 1, RCA este gresit nr.pasaportului tehnic, pozitia:
67. OCA 336 - AB042958 - (Programa RCA DATA gaseste alt mijloc de transport cu nr de inmatriculare ORB 511).
Care numar de inmatriculare este corect dupa pasaportu tehnic AB042958 ? Sau care este pasaportu tehnic corect pentru OCA 336 ?
Answer (14 Apr 2023, 08:56):
Bună ziua.
Conform Certificatului de înmatriculare Seria AB Nr. 042958 deținut de Î.S. „Calea Ferată din Moldova”, datele introduse (în Anexa nr. 1 RCA, poziția 67) sunt corecte, adică: Modelul - MTZ 80; anul - 1993; motor - 111317; număr înmatriculare - OCA 336; data înregistrării 12.07.2004.
Asigurare obligatorie RCA și Asigurare benevolă CASCO
18 Apr 2023, 08:43
Question's name:
certificat de inmatriculare
Buna ziua, la pozitia 36 cu nr de i.m. CJY 186 este mentionat ca este prin procura, va rog sa confirmati acest caz
la fel lipsesc nr de inmatriculare la pozitiile 54 (UNA 614), 164 (BLAF 089)
Pozitia 67(OCA 336) nr certificatului de inmatriculare nu este corect iar la pozitia 220 (BRRT 767) e remorca d ela motocicleta nu de la tractor
Va rugam sa verificati si sa corectati pozitiile date pentru un calcul corect
Answer (19 Apr 2023, 10:02):
1) Referitor la poziția nr. 36, unitatea de transport CJY 186 conform certificatului de înregistrare este proprietatea Î.S. CFM,
2) La pozițiile nr. 54; nr. 164; în anexă a fost adăugat numărul certificatului de înmatriculare,
3) Poziția 67 numarul certificatului este indicat corect - conform actelor existente,
4) Poziția 220 este remorcă de tractor - conform actelor confirmative existente
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed