Public procurement
Aspirator electric chirurgical
Enquiry period
with 20.03.2023 17:39
to 24.03.2023 16:50
to 24.03.2023 16:50
Bidding period
with 24.03.2023 16:50
to 30.03.2023 17:20
to 30.03.2023 17:20
with 31.03.2023 14:37
to 31.03.2023 14:46
to 31.03.2023 14:46
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
12 000 MDL
Period of clarifications:
20 Mar 2023, 17:39 - 24 Mar 2023, 16:50
Submission of proposals:
24 Mar 2023, 16:50 - 30 Mar 2023, 17:20
Auction start date:
31 Mar 2023, 14:37
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Aspirator electric chirurgical pentru proceduri chirurgicale cu aspirare lichidelor (pentru a elimina sîngele şi lichidele) care se acumulează în zona operatorie şi obstrucţionează vizibilitatea chirurgului. Caracteristici tehnici: Tensiune de alimentare: AC 220V + 10% Frecvența: 50 Hz + 1 Hz Consumul mediu de energie: 120 VA Valoarea presiunii negative: mai mult de 0,09Mpa Rata de aspirare: 20–30 L/min Timp de lucru continuu: mai mult de 45 min Timp de repaus: mai puțin de 30 min Zgomotul: mai puțin de 60 dB Dimensiuni (cm): 45,5 x 40,5 x 62,5 Accesorii: Butelii (vas colector) – 2 buc x 2,5 litri Siguranța de umplere – 1 buc Pedala de activare – 1 buc Tub de aspirare – 1 buc Anul de producere: analogic 2023.
Documente: proces-verbal de predare-primire, proces-verbal de instalare, proces-verbal de instruire a personalului, factura fiscală, certificat de garanţie (cel puțin 2 ani), certificat de calitate şi conformitate valabil, fişa (pașaport) tehnică a mărfii, instrucţiune tehnică cu privire la exploatare mărfii în limba română.
Obligaţiuni: servicii de montare, darea în exploatare.
Data livrării nu mai tîrziu de 30.06.2023.
Documente: proces-verbal de predare-primire, proces-verbal de instalare, proces-verbal de instruire a personalului, factura fiscală, certificat de garanţie (cel puțin 2 ani), certificat de calitate şi conformitate valabil, fişa (pașaport) tehnică a mărfii, instrucţiune tehnică cu privire la exploatare mărfii în limba română.
Obligaţiuni: servicii de montare, darea în exploatare.
Data livrării nu mai tîrziu de 30.06.2023.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2008, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Vasile Lupu 32
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
20 Mar 2023, 17:14
Date modified
21 Mar 2023, 9:54
Estimated value (without VAT)
12 000 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2008, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Vasile Lupu 32
Contract period
4 Apr 2023 17:34 - 30 Dec 2023 17:39
List of positions
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
documentația standard_em_2023.pdf
documentația standard_em_2023.pdf
Bidding Documents
Documentația standard
20.03.23 17:39
specificarea tehnică_em_2023.pdf
specificarea tehnică_em_2023.pdf
Technical Specifications
Specificația tehnică
20.03.23 17:39
scan_anunț de participare_em_2023.pdf
scan_anunț de participare_em_2023.pdf
Anunț de participare
20.03.23 17:39
specificarea de preț_em_2023.pdf
specificarea de preț_em_2023.pdf
Technical Specifications
Specificația de preț
20.03.23 17:39
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Disqualify participants whose price is lower than that of the winner and indicate the reason for the disqualification.
2) Choose winner by clicking the button
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
8 250 MDL
Corespunde cerințelor de calificare și criteriului de atribuire
04.04.23 13:30
Reason: Corespunde cerințelor de calificare și criteriului de atribuire
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
extras din registrul de stat al persoanelor juridice (1).semnat.pdf
extras din registrul de stat al persoanelor juridice (1).semnat.pdf
ID: 21df3911-6732-4493-aea5-a41f25918312
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Qualification documents
Date of download:
30.03.23 14:29
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:45
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
11 600 MDL
Other grounds for rejecting the offer
04.04.23 13:24
Reason: Other grounds for rejecting the offer
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
cert. fisc gbg mld 30.03.2023.semnat.pdf
cert. fisc gbg mld 30.03.2023.semnat.pdf
ID: 1728a89a-1e6a-4d22-a155-0b7ef160ba07
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
27.03.23 09:59
Opening date:
31.03.23 14:47
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
ID: 7a9dff9f-46aa-40dd-8fd0-54b4e78af7b0
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 14:47
certificat maib_cont.semnat.pdf
certificat maib_cont.semnat.pdf
ID: 3bcbb019-ea18-4ceb-ad6c-edebc353033b
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 09:59
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
specificarea de preț_em_2023.semnat (1).pdf
specificarea de preț_em_2023.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 57298185-50be-4983-bfaf-568b1871ff4a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 09:59
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
specificarea tehnică_em_2023.semnat (1).pdf
specificarea tehnică_em_2023.semnat (1).pdf
ID: 9a2764eb-1e7f-4167-87fc-b07897e667cb
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
extras gbg-mld srl 01.08.2022.semnat.pdf
extras gbg-mld srl 01.08.2022.semnat.pdf
ID: d6106a46-dfa2-4cbc-8353-cc70a4151b87
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 09:59
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
fazzini s.r.l. cert 5990-b rev08 13485 ita-en.semnat.pdf
fazzini s.r.l. cert 5990-b rev08 13485 ita-en.semnat.pdf
ID: dba4490d-5ec7-4467-9bbf-ac654b0a997a
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
declaratii ofertant.semnat (1).pdf
declaratii ofertant.semnat (1).pdf
ID: f1b0c8f2-e384-4af0-b125-4a41d3c60e1e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 10:00
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
ec motorized table.semnat.pdf
ec motorized table.semnat.pdf
ID: f2202c68-1550-4412-8529-a33f8e27f25e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
27.03.23 09:59
Opening date:
31.03.23 15:42
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed