Public procurement
Casete histologice Mega
Enquiry period
with 28.02.2023 16:25
to 11.03.2023 10:13
to 11.03.2023 10:13
Bidding period
with 11.03.2023 10:13
to 21.03.2023 10:13
to 21.03.2023 10:13
with 22.03.2023 11:05
to 22.03.2023 11:14
to 22.03.2023 11:14
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
13 750 MDL
Period of clarifications:
28 Feb 2023, 16:25 - 11 Mar 2023, 10:13
Submission of proposals:
11 Mar 2023, 10:13 - 21 Mar 2023, 10:13
Auction start date:
22 Mar 2023, 11:05
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Casete histologice Mega
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2025, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Vl.Korolenko,8
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
28 Feb 2023, 15:30
Date modified
9 Mar 2023, 10:13
Estimated value (without VAT)
13 750 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
68,75 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2025, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, Vl.Korolenko,8
Contract period
22 Mar 2023 15:38 - 31 Dec 2023 16:25
List of positions
Quantity: 5500.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
anunt de participare lp consumabile de laborator pentru secțiile cml 2023.docx
Documents history
anunt de participare lp consumabile de laborator pentru secțiile cml 2023.docx
ID: cb50a7f8-4616-45d9-ac3f-34173c4adf65
anunt de participare lp consumabile de laborator pentru secțiile cml 2023.docx
ID: cb50a7f8-4616-45d9-ac3f-34173c4adf65
3.03.23 17:32
documentația standard lp consumabile de laborator pentru secțiile cml 2023.docx
Bidding Documents
3.03.23 17:32
documentația standard lp consumabile de laborator pentru se.pdf
documentația standard lp consumabile de laborator pentru se.pdf
Bidding Documents
9.03.23 10:13
anunt de participare lp consumabile de laborator pu sec.
anunt de participare lp consumabile de laborator pu sec.
Bidding Documents
9.03.23 10:13
Lot documents
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
7 150 MDL
The bid is unacceptable
02.05.23 13:42
Reason: The bid is unacceptable
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
14. declaratie,mostre .semnat.pdf
14. declaratie,mostre .semnat.pdf
ID: 28018e40-e88c-4197-ae49-4ae54e74ffa9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
8. certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
8. certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
ID: 3675df77-3431-451f-9d51-1aa90e828441
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
12. fisc 30.03.2023.semnat.pdf
12. fisc 30.03.2023.semnat.pdf
ID: 55750439-3a0d-490d-ada5-aafa9c81f310
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
4. formularele specificațiilor tehnice nr. 21074815.semnat.pdf
4. formularele specificațiilor tehnice nr. 21074815.semnat.pdf
ID: 6525d3c8-03f0-46e6-a2af-bed8d0390dc4
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
6. duae gbg-mld, 21074815.semnat.pdf
6. duae gbg-mld, 21074815.semnat.pdf
ID: 76a00e39-6f1a-48d5-9e07-bf1ded7d5a41
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
5. formularele specificațiilor de preț 21074815.semnat.pdf
5. formularele specificațiilor de preț 21074815.semnat.pdf
ID: 8736aacd-43b7-4a0f-a027-d68ff890b95c
Financial proposal
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
11. lista fondatorilor.semnat.pdf
11. lista fondatorilor.semnat.pdf
ID: 8bfae281-3292-4dab-aa7c-57d27877486b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
1. cerere de participare anexa 7.semnat.pdf
1. cerere de participare anexa 7.semnat.pdf
ID: 977c63e6-9c39-4095-ba02-782ca5b16c23
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
9. extras gbg-mld srl 01.08.2022.semnat.pdf
9. extras gbg-mld srl 01.08.2022.semnat.pdf
ID: b436dfb5-ba23-4e1f-b709-b08b81a6b326
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
10. situatiile_financiare_gbg-mld_2021.semnat.pdf
10. situatiile_financiare_gbg-mld_2021.semnat.pdf
ID: ba0be839-993e-457f-8d45-59784e789115
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
2. declaratie valabilitatea ofertei anexa 8.semnat.pdf
2. declaratie valabilitatea ofertei anexa 8.semnat.pdf
ID: c0c58e6b-99d0-47e6-a145-fb917f884b80
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
3. garantie de oferta gbg cml1 ld2307500006.signed.semnat.pdf
3. garantie de oferta gbg cml1 ld2307500006.signed.semnat.pdf
ID: dd575448-f994-454f-88ba-a2db6515739a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
13. certificat maib_cont.semnat.pdf
13. certificat maib_cont.semnat.pdf
ID: ed666bac-1cf9-4a23-a2fa-60ff935fb862
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
7. autorizatie_de_functionare_2024.semnat.pdf
7. autorizatie_de_functionare_2024.semnat.pdf
ID: fdb8dafd-7ed6-4787-8897-9e2bb924f85e
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:30
Opening date:
6.04.23 10:01
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:39
Opening date:
2.05.23 13:34
aptaca_spa_ iso, combinepdf.semnat (1).pdf
aptaca_spa_ iso, combinepdf.semnat (1).pdf
ID: b76779cc-26cb-4b44-a8db-e81f0716b3fa
Qualification documents
Date of download:
20.03.23 13:38
Opening date:
2.05.23 13:34
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
11 660 MDL
corespunde criteriilor
02.05.23 14:24
Reason: corespunde criteriilor
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
ID: 5bd6aaf3-5afe-432f-8aff-2c0d76eae309
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
22.03.23 14:43
ID: 93e29bf6-7522-47bc-9296-64237771a519
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
22.03.23 14:43
ID: 2bb74882-154e-4325-b7e9-6d8f40740e24
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 41b5758f-3651-46f3-b467-5c5f8a7c98c6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 4ccb4227-aa46-4fbb-8416-11681b52b7e7
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 64e59962-4779-44a7-af78-767f318e2d94
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 67f34653-55f5-4bca-a07b-035b90bd1ed7
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 7ed066ee-0352-4715-8fcf-2faf8984635d
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 8ce35038-0359-45f6-8336-c3225d840e10
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: 9c6f1832-d14f-464b-b767-02305cdd7210
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: b72e454a-a030-48d6-91f4-93adc8411674
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: c5447057-6d6d-4c73-83a1-7e38e91aef42
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: c5998e17-2c20-4de5-906a-028df8784374
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: db000dd8-fec8-4a32-9b61-dcd4c0f0062e
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: dbd67436-f9c5-486e-9919-475dec2acd27
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
ID: e7306964-03ec-4f00-bbdd-9e8d695a25c0
Qualification documents
Date of download:
21.03.23 07:48
Opening date:
23.03.23 14:44
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed