Public procurement
Vopsea email, Culoarea gri deschis
Enquiry period
with 17.02.2023 02:33
to 20.02.2023 17:00
to 20.02.2023 17:00
Bidding period
with 20.02.2023 17:00
to 24.02.2023 08:30
to 24.02.2023 08:30
with 27.02.2023 11:51
to 27.02.2023 12:18
to 27.02.2023 12:18
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
1 836 MDL
Period of clarifications:
17 Feb 2023, 2:33 - 20 Feb 2023, 17:00
Submission of proposals:
20 Feb 2023, 17:00 - 24 Feb 2023, 8:30
Auction start date:
27 Feb 2023, 11:51
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
Vopsea email, alchidică, culoare albastra; ambalaj: cutie de între 0.7- 4 kg;
Vopsea alchidică, durabilitate sporită rezistenta buna la intemperi, apă, uleiuri și detergenți. Pentru protectia si decorarea suprafetelor interioare si exterioare din lemn, metal si zidarie. Consumul aproximativ : 12 -13m2/litru/ strat . Timpul de uscare la atingere 4 ore; intre straturi: 12 ore , complet in max. 22 -24 ore. Compoziţia sa chimică: fără compuşi de metale grele de periculoase (plumb, cadmiu, crom (VI), dăunătoare pentru sănătate şi mediul înconjurător; fără impurități. COV Produs, max.g/l: 300 (intr-un volum de 1 litru de vopsea sa nu depaseasca masa de 300 grame de diluent). Garanție: 12 luni de la data eliberării. In ambalaj de: 0,7 / 3,0 kg Produsul trebuie sa respecte legislatia RM, HG 913 Materiale de Constructii, HG 914 Limita COV, Legea 277 Privind substantele chimice.
Vopsea alchidică, durabilitate sporită rezistenta buna la intemperi, apă, uleiuri și detergenți. Pentru protectia si decorarea suprafetelor interioare si exterioare din lemn, metal si zidarie. Consumul aproximativ : 12 -13m2/litru/ strat . Timpul de uscare la atingere 4 ore; intre straturi: 12 ore , complet in max. 22 -24 ore. Compoziţia sa chimică: fără compuşi de metale grele de periculoase (plumb, cadmiu, crom (VI), dăunătoare pentru sănătate şi mediul înconjurător; fără impurități. COV Produs, max.g/l: 300 (intr-un volum de 1 litru de vopsea sa nu depaseasca masa de 300 grame de diluent). Garanție: 12 luni de la data eliberării. In ambalaj de: 0,7 / 3,0 kg Produsul trebuie sa respecte legislatia RM, HG 913 Materiale de Constructii, HG 914 Limita COV, Legea 277 Privind substantele chimice.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2064, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. George Enescu, 5
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
17 Feb 2023, 2:13
Date modified
17 Feb 2023, 2:33
Estimated value (without VAT)
1 836 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
9,18 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2064, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. George Enescu, 5
Contract period
27 Feb 2023 08:00 - 31 Dec 2023 08:00
List of positions
Quantity: 21.6
Unit of measurement: Kilogram
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
specificatii vopsea 2023 2 16.pdf
specificatii vopsea 2023 2 16.pdf
Bidding Documents
-specificatii vopsea
17.02.23 02:33
Lot documents
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Disqualify participants whose price is lower than that of the winner and indicate the reason for the disqualification.
2) Choose winner by clicking the button
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
Nelimot-Com SRL
Normalized price:
933,33 MDL
The bid is irregular
13.03.23 13:52
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
formular informativ despre ofertant (f3.3).semnat (3).pdf
formular informativ despre ofertant (f3.3).semnat (3).pdf
ID: 15f32402-1c4a-4d6e-90bd-c2afd29f663f
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 16:02
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:40
certificat cont bancar.semnat.pdf
certificat cont bancar.semnat.pdf
ID: 676716d1-4394-42ce-9f39-8d1f29726754
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 16:02
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:40
extras sc nelimot-com srl.semnat.pdf
extras sc nelimot-com srl.semnat.pdf
ID: a31ccc20-cc1d-4f18-aad9-f4d68380b1eb
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 16:02
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:40
specificatii tehnice si de pret.semnat.pdf
specificatii tehnice si de pret.semnat.pdf
ID: ede9668e-dc86-42b9-a9c4-8c9b73519e8e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
23.02.23 16:02
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:40
certificat de conformitate.semnat.pdf
certificat de conformitate.semnat.pdf
ID: ff39b937-b79c-4a1b-b9fb-bf5eb4ce8800
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 16:02
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:40
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
1 265,40 MDL
The bid is irregular
13.03.23 13:52
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Financial proposal
Date of download:
22.02.23 14:24
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:49
Financial proposal
Date of download:
22.02.23 14:24
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:49
4.2 specificații de preț.semnat.pdf
4.2 specificații de preț.semnat.pdf
ID: 5acf9b9d-7bbf-4401-9e7e-13a88565efd9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
22.02.23 14:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:49
4.2 specificații de preț.semnat.pdf
4.2 specificații de preț.semnat.pdf
ID: 5acf9b9d-7bbf-4401-9e7e-13a88565efd9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
22.02.23 14:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:49
Financial proposal
Date of download:
22.02.23 14:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:49
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
1 510,92 MDL
The bid is irregular
13.03.23 13:53
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
certificat cheton gama color.semnat.pdf
certificat cheton gama color.semnat.pdf
ID: 32e24025-6928-4aec-a710-a2d262ea0bdd
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
dendrariu anexa 23 vopsea lac.semnat.pdf
dendrariu anexa 23 vopsea lac.semnat.pdf
ID: 3a58cc97-533c-4bfd-86e8-78702f1b6bf7
Financial proposal
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:31
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
extras din registrul de stat al pj 2021.semnat.pdf
extras din registrul de stat al pj 2021.semnat.pdf
ID: 59f252f8-75aa-4ec8-970f-d668b0f3da07
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
declaratie de performanta diluant lucire.semnat.pdf
declaratie de performanta diluant lucire.semnat.pdf
ID: d539187b-51d4-4c96-b300-a79da4323d76
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
declarat. antiseptic.semnat.pdf
declarat. antiseptic.semnat.pdf
ID: e9bfddbe-5c10-44e8-a93f-5154cc2ec11e
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:25
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
ID: fbbcd65d-933a-482f-8e13-fe9645f0a3c6
Date of download:
23.02.23 13:24
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:50
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
1 512 MDL
The bid is irregular
13.03.23 13:53
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
ID: 17987d03-c4db-4606-83cd-2cc8bd6ec80a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
ID: 21d8d2f7-ac50-4d3a-9fe1-1dc3ea85187a
Qualification documents
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
ID: 31f3cbf2-abc2-4a38-b059-c893104b8ca6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
ID: 529a46f6-de1d-426e-b9c2-f333353b2995
Qualification documents
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
ID: 77ffb058-0f69-44af-8508-d88aaea9fdb9
Financial proposal
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
ID: a47d99eb-e6e0-44f2-95d7-4f5c23fcdd8b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
ID: b2920252-e1d8-4b66-8be4-249f73fac5f4
Qualification documents
Date of download:
24.02.23 08:23
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:51
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
1 620 MDL
The bid is irregular
13.03.23 13:53
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
2 certificat.extras.licenta.decizie.semnat.pdf
2 certificat.extras.licenta.decizie.semnat.pdf
ID: 003189da-21d8-42bd-96c3-dcb5d3090880
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 11:26
Opening date:
27.02.23 23:38
ft grund cu triplă protecţie pentru lemn (antiseptic bicodi).semnat.pdf
ft grund cu triplă protecţie pentru lemn (antiseptic bicodi).semnat.pdf
ID: 859d8967-4bfb-43b9-96b8-4cca62190e37
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 11:26
Opening date:
27.02.23 23:38
1 specificatii vopsea specificatia pret.semnat.pdf
1 specificatii vopsea specificatia pret.semnat.pdf
ID: a1dc7ff5-f0d9-46c7-b1cf-e5d1bee5f4e3
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 11:26
Opening date:
27.02.23 23:38
specificatii vopsea 2023 2 16.semnat.pdf
specificatii vopsea 2023 2 16.semnat.pdf
ID: a42b6a28-5df1-40a0-a6ac-f27927c2e5dd
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 11:26
Opening date:
27.02.23 23:38
ft spor lac colorat 3 in 1.semnat.pdf
ft spor lac colorat 3 in 1.semnat.pdf
ID: dd40db39-7111-420d-ba1c-27021feb5776
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 11:26
Opening date:
27.02.23 23:38
ft casabella email.semnat.pdf
ft casabella email.semnat.pdf
ID: e36ccadd-bdbd-41a0-83bb-738fe811b329
Qualification documents
Date of download:
23.02.23 11:26
Opening date:
27.02.23 23:38
Participant(s) name(s):
Î. I. "Caliga Valeriu"
Normalized price:
1 638,63 MDL
The bid is irregular
13.03.23 13:54
Reason: The bid is irregular
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
22.02.23 12:21
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:23
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
22.02.23 12:21
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:23
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
22.02.23 12:21
Opening date:
27.02.23 14:23
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed