Enquiry period
with 16.11.2022 17:32
to 02.12.2022 10:00
Bidding period
with 02.12.2022 10:00
to 04.01.2023 13:00
will not be used


Status Evaluation
Estimated value without VAT 46 037 638,81 MDL
Period of clarifications: 16 Nov 2022, 17:32 - 2 Dec 2022, 10:00
Submission of proposals: 2 Dec 2022, 10:00 - 4 Jan 2023, 13:00

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.

Achiziționarea medicamentelor necesare instituţiilor medico-sanitare publice (IMSP) şi instituţiilor bugetare care prestează servicii medicale şi sociale pentru anul 2023 (centralizat repetat nr. 1)

Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2009, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, locality, MD-2009, Republica Moldova, Chişinău str. Cosmescu 3
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Constantin Nedelea
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
16 Nov 2022, 17:25
Date modified
28 Nov 2022, 17:10
Achizitii.md ID
33600000-6 - Produse farmaceutice
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Funding sources
List of lots
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 3 - Aciclovirum 250 mg
Budget: 124490.22 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 8 - Allopurinolum 100 mg
Budget: 49251.49 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 22 - Carbo activatus 250 mg
Budget: 161773.14 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 23 - Cefaclorum 250 mg
Budget: 52323.81 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 25 - Ceftriaxonum 2000 mg
Budget: 29261.32 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 28 - Chlorpromazinum 25 mg
Budget: 165762.58 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 29 - Cinacalcetum 30 mg
Budget: 81958.54 MDL
Lot nr. 31 - Clarithromycinum 500 mg
Budget: 349069.25 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 32 - Clemastinum 1 mg
Budget: 382398.05 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 42 - Diclofenacum 50 mg
Budget: 4730.74 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 55 - Fentanylum 0,005% 2 ml
Budget: 1676384.35 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 60 - Glimepiridum 4 mg
Budget: 2458.9 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 61 - Glucosum 40% 10 ml
Budget: 203617.11 MDL
Lot nr. 62 - Glucosum 40% 20 ml
Budget: 65429.07 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 66 - Haloperidolum 5 mg
Budget: 100605.34 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 67 - Hedera helix 7 mg/ml
Budget: 29847.54 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 76 - Ivabradinum 5 mg
Budget: 3225.92 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 86 - Mebendazolum 100 mg
Budget: 17313.81 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 87 - Meldonium 10% 5 ml
Budget: 30747.6 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 90 - Mifepristonum 200 mg
Budget: 198299.36 MDL
Lot nr. 91 - Mifepristonum 50 mg
Budget: 6294.67 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 93 - Morphinum 1% 1 ml
Budget: 470967.01 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 102 - Omnoponum 1 ml
Budget: 488848.2 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 104 - Paracetamolum 50 mg
Budget: 3798.13 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 107 - Phenazepamum 1 mg
Budget: 261732.57 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 111 - Piracetamum 800 mg
Budget: 214334.9 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 117 - Propranololum 10 mg
Budget: 2028.09 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 118 - Rabeprazolum 20 mg
Budget: 615756.7 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 122 - Risperidonum 2 mg
Budget: 191375.72 MDL
Lot nr. 123 - Risperidonum 4 mg
Budget: 438578.1 MDL
Lot nr. 124 - Salbutamolum 4 mg
Budget: 17344.87 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 129 - Tizanidinum 4 mg
Budget: 10735.56 MDL
Lot nr. 130 - Tolperisonum 50 mg
Budget: 9505.44 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 131 - Trifluoperazinum 5 mg
Budget: 112474.32 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 132 - Trimeperidinum 2% 1 ml
Budget: 1067491.65 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 133 - Umifenovirum 50 mg
Budget: 3287.22 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 136 - Vincaminum 15 mg/2 ml
Budget: 1035225.98 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 138 - Zaleplonum 10 mg
Budget: 122442.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 139 - Zolpidemum 10 mg
Budget: 46679.87 MDL
Documents of the procurement procedure
Varianta inițiala_Propunerea financiară
Bidding Documents
Varianta initiala_Propunerea financiară
16.11.22 17:32
Lista de distributie_Partea II
Bidding Documents
Lista de distributie_Partea II
16.11.22 17:32
Model contract_16.11.2022
Bidding Documents
Model contract_16.11.2022
16.11.22 17:32
Propunerea tehnică
Bidding Documents
Propunerea tehnică
16.11.22 17:32
Declaratie beneficiari efectivi_Model
Bidding Documents
Declaratie beneficiari efectivi_Model
16.11.22 17:32
Anunt de participare_16.11.2022.signed
Bidding Documents
Anunt de participare_16.11.2022
16.11.22 17:32
DUAE Model
Bidding Documents
DUAE Model
16.11.22 17:32
Lista de distributie_Partea I
Bidding Documents
Lista de distributie_Partea I
16.11.22 17:32
Cerere de participare_Model
Bidding Documents
Cerere de participare_Model
16.11.22 17:32
Scrisoare de garantie bancara_Model
Bidding Documents
Scrisoare de garantie bancara_Model
16.11.22 17:32
Documentatia standard_16.11.2022.signed
Bidding Documents
Documentatia standard_16.11.2022
16.11.22 17:32
Declaratie privind valabilitatea ofertei_Model
Bidding Documents
Declaratie privind valabilitatea ofertei_Model
16.11.22 17:32
Model contract_26.12.2022.doc
Bidding Documents
Model contract_26.12.2022.doc
27.12.22 17:06
Propunerea financiara_26.12.2022.xlsx
Bidding Documents
Propunerea financiara_26.12.2022.xlsx
27.12.22 17:07
Anunt de participare_26.12.2022.signed.pdf
Bidding Documents
Anunt de participare_26.12.2022.signed.pdf
27.12.22 17:08
25 Nov 2022, 16:46
Question's name:
model contract
spuneti va rog frumos, cine urmeaza sa receptioneze medicamentele. Totodata cine trebuie sa asigure descarcarea lor. Din cele relatate mai sus cazurile sunt diferite si problematice
Answer (28 Nov 2022, 16:02):
Bună ziua! În conformitate cu prevederile pct. 12 din Anunțul de participare, a fost solicitată livrarea conform condițiilor Inconterms 2020 DDP - Franco Destinație Vămuit, ceea ce presupune că Vînzătorul își asumă toate cheltuielile și responsabilitățile pe întregul lanț logistic (transport, import, vămuire, controlul calității etc.) pînă la beneficiar. Totodată, în conformitate cu pct. 6.2, lit. a) din modelul contractului de achiziții publice, instituția beneficiară este obligată să întreprindă toate măsurile necesare pentru asigurarea recepţionării Bunurilor livrate de către Vînzător. Vă mulțumim pentru clarificare!
30 Nov 2022, 13:50
Question's name:
Lotul Povidoni iodidum 10% 1000 ml
În contextul luptei cu rezistența bacteriilor la antiseptice știința a înregistrat progrese și unul dintre aceste progrese se traspune în medicamentul cu DCI Povidoni iodidum 7,7 mg/ml, care permite obținerea unui efect antiseptic echivalent concentrației anunțate în licitație, de aceea în baza art. 37 alin. 6 venim cu propunerea de îmbunatațire a caietului de sarcini cu schimbarea cerinței Povidoni iodidum 10% 1000 ml” în 10 % sau 7.7 mg/ml.
Answer (1 Dec 2022, 13:30):
Bună ziua! Reieșind din Nomenclatorul de Stat al Medicamentelor (http://nomenclator.amdm.gov.md/), în Republica Moldova nu sunt autorizate medicamente cu doza de 7.7 mg/ml. Vă mulțumim pentru clarificare!
1 Dec 2022, 13:33
Question's name:
verificati bine nomenclatorul
in contextul intrebarii anterioare va rog sa verificati inca odata nomenclatorul cod 9220902256 inregistrat pe data de 08/09/2022
Answer (2 Dec 2022, 09:49):
Bună ziua! Luînd în considerare prevederile pct. 4, Anexa nr. 3 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1128/2016 cu privire la Centrul pentru achiziții publice centralizate în sănătate, urmează a fi consultate instituțiile beneficiare, în scopul determinării admisibilității dozei medicamentului propus de Dvs. Vă mulțumim pentru clarificare!
Only authorized platform users may ask questions during the clarification period.