Public procurement
Hârtie A4
Enquiry period
with 20.04.2022 12:00
to 22.04.2022 11:30
to 22.04.2022 11:30
Bidding period
with 22.04.2022 11:30
to 26.04.2022 11:00
to 26.04.2022 11:00
Bids have been evaluated
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
90 000 MDL
Period of clarifications:
20 Apr 2022, 12:00 - 22 Apr 2022, 11:30
Submission of proposals:
22 Apr 2022, 11:30 - 26 Apr 2022, 11:00
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Format - A4,
Densitatea hârtiei- 80 g/m2
Calitatea hârtiei-C
Opacitate- 90 %
Grosime-104 μm
Albeaţa-140 %
Tehnologie de imprimare-laser , jet de cerneală
Numărul de foi dintr-un pachet- 500
Densitatea hârtiei- 80 g/m2
Calitatea hârtiei-C
Opacitate- 90 %
Grosime-104 μm
Albeaţa-140 %
Tehnologie de imprimare-laser , jet de cerneală
Numărul de foi dintr-un pachet- 500
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2044, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Aleco Russo, 57
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
20 Apr 2022, 11:53
Date modified
20 Apr 2022, 12:00
Estimated value (without VAT)
90 000 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
2044, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Aleco Russo, 57
Contract period
29 Apr 2022 11:57 - 31 Dec 2022 11:57
List of positions
Format - A4, Densitatea hârtiei- 80 g/m2 Calitatea hârtiei-C Culoarea-albă Opacitate- 90 % Grosime-104 μm Albeaţa-140 % Tehnologie de imprimare-laser , jet de cerneală Numărul de foi dintr-un pachet- 500
CPV: 30100000-0 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture
Quantity: 1370.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Format – A3, Densitatea hârtiei- 80 g/m2 Calitatea hârtiei-C Culoarea-albă Opacitate- 90 % Grosime-104 μm Albeaţa-140 % Tehnologie de imprimare-laser , jet de cerneală Numărul de foi dintr-un pachet- 500
CPV: 30100000-0 - Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture
Quantity: 20.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
anunt_de_participare_26_10_2021.semnat (6).pdf
anunt_de_participare_26_10_2021.semnat (6).pdf
20.04.22 12:00
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Disqualify participants whose price is lower than that of the winner and indicate the reason for the disqualification.
2) Choose winner by clicking the button
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
OZER Group
Normalized price:
103 610 MDL
„OZER Group”SRL- oferta a fost desemnată câştigătoare fiind clasat în SIA RSAP pe locul I cu cel mai mic preț, însă-și suma propusă de către Operatorul Economic depășește valoarea estimativă publicată de către AC.
Ca să fie achiziționată bunul solicitat din cadrul achiziției sus numite, grupul de lucru a decis ca să fie micșorată cantitatea pentru a fii încheeat contract cu OE „OZER Group”SRL în termen de 3 zile lucrătoare.
27.04.22 13:09
Reason: „OZER Group”SRL- oferta a fost desemnată câştigătoare fiind clasat în SIA RSAP pe locul I cu cel mai mic preț, însă-și suma propusă de către Operatorul Economic depășește valoarea estimativă publicată de către AC.
Ca să fie achiziționată bunul solicitat din cadrul achiziției sus numite, grupul de lucru a decis ca să fie micșorată cantitatea pentru a fii încheeat contract cu OE „OZER Group”SRL în termen de 3 zile lucrătoare.
Qualification documents
Winning Bid
27.04.22 13:09
Documents provided with the proposal
cert. privind lipsa restantelor.semnat.pdf
cert. privind lipsa restantelor.semnat.pdf
ID: 291574ff-16b0-4023-a1f3-1d1f36479e7c
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
cerere de participare anexa nr.7.semnat.pdf
cerere de participare anexa nr.7.semnat.pdf
ID: 2a7b3ae8-6314-4c28-8437-92826cada32a
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
certificat de conformitate.semnat.pdf
certificat de conformitate.semnat.pdf
ID: 75cacb2a-18c8-4ad7-9e9d-8c2e72a39a15
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
declaratie anexa nr.8.semnat.pdf
declaratie anexa nr.8.semnat.pdf
ID: 98b1f89d-193b-4f22-8ab4-7ec303f0f0b9
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
certificat de inregistrare.semnat.pdf
ID: 9fb88b03-7fc6-49b4-8f79-0bfaa61011a1
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
extras din registru de stat.semnat.pdf
extras din registru de stat.semnat.pdf
ID: a8f091de-37cb-4e99-9956-5c7b47270ac3
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
cert. privind conturi bancare.semnat.pdf
cert. privind conturi bancare.semnat.pdf
ID: b4f18280-906d-408f-b953-71179a39e66a
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
Documents of submission
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:06
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
Participant(s) name(s):
Normalized price:
105 627,50 MDL
The bidder does not meet the economic and financial capacity
26.04.22 16:38
Reason: The bidder does not meet the economic and financial capacity
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
ID: e220c185-6249-493b-ad07-2824b143cc71
Eligibility documents
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:26
Opening date:
26.04.22 11:00
ID: 127c2475-8575-4b86-968f-86d90a80a8f6
Qualification documents
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:26
Opening date:
26.04.22 16:31
ID: 2e3fddec-e53e-4ef3-8f09-73bc8f060b35
Qualification documents
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:25
Opening date:
26.04.22 16:31
ID: 3b0d4d3a-18f7-4448-92bb-ac4241e209be
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:25
Opening date:
26.04.22 16:31
ID: ab48fd8b-2d06-4d5e-95c0-bae465da96be
Qualification documents
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:25
Opening date:
26.04.22 16:31
ID: ca5d85bf-447d-4951-94d1-1ae9b617366e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:25
Opening date:
26.04.22 16:31
ID: ebef73b4-6ddb-4307-b0a2-d8ac15c7e858
Qualification documents
Date of download:
26.04.22 10:25
Opening date:
26.04.22 16:31
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed