Status Purchase has not taken place
Estimated value without VAT 1 500 MDL
Period of clarifications: 15 Mar 2022, 14:03 - 23 Mar 2022, 10:24
Submission of proposals: 23 Mar 2022, 10:24 - 26 Mar 2022, 10:24
Auction start date: 28 Mar 2022, 11:55

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

Numărul formularului - 121/e;
Aspectul documentului - Registru copertat 96 pag.; Format - A4 cop. Hromorzaț 215 txt. (album); Culori – 1+1; Densitate hârtie ofset 65
Conform modelului atasat la rubrica ”Documente”.
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, locality, str. Constantin Virnav, 16
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Peștereanu Nina
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
Date modified
26 Mar 2022, 10:24
Estimated value (without VAT)
1 500 MDL
The minimum downward of the price
Type of procedure
Request price offers (goods)
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, mun. Chisinau, str. A. Doga, 21
Contract period
1 Apr 2022 03:00 - 15 Dec 2022 02:00
List of positions
Registru de predare a stupefiantelor, toxicelor și psihotropelor de către echipele AMU CPV: 22800000-8 - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery
Quantity: 200.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Documents of the procurement procedure
Registru nr. 502e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru 155 2e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru nr. 164
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Model Registru_ de evidentă si predare a dispozitivelor medicale
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru nr.121_2e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru 167r (1)
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
registru nr. 161e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru nr. 503e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Fisa nr. 058e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Foaia si cotorul foiite de insotire 114e modificat 05.2021 (1)
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Documentatia standard
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru 162e model nou aprobat ord.388 din 26.03.2019
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Model declaratie privind confirmarea identitii beneficiarilor
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Anunt de participare
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru 167r (2)
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru nr. 161-1e
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Registru 167r (3)
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
110e - Fișa de solicitare
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
Model formular nr. 058-3e model
Technical Specifications
15.03.22 14:03
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.