Public procurement
Lotul 1 Mărci poștale
Enquiry period
with 14.02.2022 10:46
to 23.02.2022 11:00
to 23.02.2022 11:00
Bidding period
with 23.02.2022 11:00
to 01.03.2022 11:00
to 01.03.2022 11:00
Bids have been evaluated
Estimated value without VAT
962 500 MDL
Period of clarifications:
14 Feb 2022, 10:46 - 23 Feb 2022, 11:00
Submission of proposals:
23 Feb 2022, 11:00 - 1 Mar 2022, 11:00
Auction start date:
will not be used
Supplier technical support:
(+373) 79999801
This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.
Mărci poștale
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, locality, bd. Ștefan Cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 134
Web site
The contact person
Purchase data
Date created
Date modified
16 Feb 2022, 13:25
Estimated value (without VAT)
962 500 MDL ID
MTender ID
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Delivery address
MD-2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, mun. Chișinău str. Aeroportului 78
Contract period
17 Mar 2022 02:00 - 31 Dec 2022 02:00
List of positions
Mărci poștale
CPV: 22400000-4 - Stamps, cheque forms, banknotes, stock certificates, trade advertising material, catalogues and manuals
Quantity: 1.0
Unit of measurement: Bucata
Subscription settings saved.
Remember, you can always go back to the Subscriptions section and make changes to the frequency of receiving letters, delete or add categories and customers.
Вы уже подписаны на данный CPV код
Documents of the procurement procedure
Anunt de participare Marci si efecte postale
Eligibility Criteria
Anunt de participare Marci si efecte postale
14.02.22 10:46
Anexa nr 22 și 23 Specificatia tehnică și de preț
Technical Specifications
Anexa nr 22 și 23 Specificatia tehnică și de preț
14.02.22 10:46
Anexa nr. 2 Formularul ofertei
Technical Specifications
Anexa nr. 2 Formularul ofertei
14.02.22 10:46
Anunt de participare + Anexa nr1 marci si efecte postale V2
Technical Specifications
Anunt de participare + Anexa nr1 marci si efecte postale V2
16.02.22 13:25
The offers of the participants are available below, you can view the documents for the offers by clicking on the folder icon.
Based on the Working Group Decision, the selection of a winner requires:
1) Choose winner by clicking the button "Winner.”
2) Отправить в течении 3 дней на почту AAP отсканированное решение рабочей группы.
4) After choosing the winner, press the button: "Confirm"..
Participant(s) name(s)
Normalized price
Participant(s) name(s):
IS FEP "Tipografia Centrala"
Normalized price:
635 000 MDL
Procederu tehnic. Analiza ofertelor. Rezultatul ofertelor va fi anuntat ulterior.
01.03.22 11:08
Reason: Procederu tehnic. Analiza ofertelor. Rezultatul ofertelor va fi anuntat ulterior.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 1ac3e973-2a6b-4b4c-959b-720091a3ecf7
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
declarație din legea nr.246-2017.semnat.pdf
declarație din legea nr.246-2017.semnat.pdf
ID: 33157240-3607-4832-acb0-0d2d44503dd8
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 38c0ce1f-99cd-4e81-8815-2060d41dd5e9
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 3edad7b0-fc09-4c22-a77d-e0b62e5366fb
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 3ff69b6d-c543-47c6-badd-da2e73759d35
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
specificatii de pret.semnat.pdf
specificatii de pret.semnat.pdf
ID: 55d28719-5d98-46fc-bca2-9c3badbd8912
Financial proposal
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 644db0bf-53b4-4ce4-b0d9-dd479b18c939
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
declaraţie privind dotările specifice.semnat.pdf
declaraţie privind dotările specifice.semnat.pdf
ID: 79681418-bafe-450f-8f46-c232ec81e388
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
formul;arul ofertei.semnat.pdf
formul;arul ofertei.semnat.pdf
ID: 7fcbc3b8-ddf2-422a-9223-c3b531ab3baf
Financial proposal
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 80a92bb5-56e3-4480-88e1-9abca671d92b
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: 8e332143-2915-43a7-9ae0-6e33c96bda27
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
declarație din legea nr.246-2017.semnat.pdf
declarație din legea nr.246-2017.semnat.pdf
ID: 90af2827-7a6e-4959-8861-9e644fcb73fa
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: b6b78620-6ed8-40d2-913e-fc1e4dcf1531
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
formul;arul ofertei.semnat.pdf
formul;arul ofertei.semnat.pdf
ID: bacd28a1-f774-44c5-9829-5beb107a1f4e
Financial proposal
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: d74265b6-1dad-420f-a45e-ccdf766089fa
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
specificatii de pret.semnat.pdf
specificatii de pret.semnat.pdf
ID: d8ac45c6-439a-4fd4-bcf5-3579ac35dd02
Financial proposal
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
ID: eadd6ecd-40d7-4652-9254-cccabb3094ae
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
declaraţie privind dotările specifice.semnat.pdf
declaraţie privind dotările specifice.semnat.pdf
ID: f08b11d3-fecd-4e0e-b876-5eda6b1e9cba
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:24
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
Qualification documents
Date of download:
28.02.22 16:21
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
Participant(s) name(s):
Nova Imprim SRL
Normalized price:
3 477 500 MDL
Oferta conforma.
11.03.22 17:32
Reason: Oferta conforma.
Qualification documents
Documents folder missing
Documents provided with the proposal
5. certificat de atribuire tva - nova imprim.semnat.pdf
5. certificat de atribuire tva - nova imprim.semnat.pdf
ID: 1b860eb4-c70c-465d-8586-1af3b4c98814
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
8. declaratie privind termenul de achitare propus.semnat.pdf
8. declaratie privind termenul de achitare propus.semnat.pdf
ID: 1f3861bf-dc38-4777-905e-d707205d9dc2
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
6. dovada detinerea utilajuli special - nova imprim.semnat.pdf
6. dovada detinerea utilajuli special - nova imprim.semnat.pdf
ID: 26fc134d-c1f3-486f-99ca-67106a11a0ae
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
3.1 extras registrul de stat.semnat.pdf
3.1 extras registrul de stat.semnat.pdf
ID: 2b7e8fce-9d00-44b8-8e4f-31e317824e0e
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
9. declaratie la art.16 alin.(2) lit.a).semnat.pdf
9. declaratie la art.16 alin.(2) lit.a).semnat.pdf
ID: 4d0cc30e-f7bc-4457-aa6f-f5ca0f30f8f7
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
7. declaratie privind personalul.semnat.pdf
7. declaratie privind personalul.semnat.pdf
ID: 5ada98dc-6809-4b17-93c3-0742496c52c2
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
4. certificat de atribuire a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
4. certificat de atribuire a contului bancar.semnat.pdf
ID: c8cf04e4-f66b-4185-b5fd-8dc5f4dcee4e
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
10. certificat lipsa restantelor fata de bugetul public national.semnat.pdf
10. certificat lipsa restantelor fata de bugetul public national.semnat.pdf
ID: ecfa6ac1-10bf-462d-a21b-8231278f67ec
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
3. certificat de inregistrare - nova imprim.semnat.pdf
3. certificat de inregistrare - nova imprim.semnat.pdf
ID: fbfb9892-79ce-4c94-81bd-663928b91bfe
Documents of submission
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:00
1. anexa nr 2 formularul ofertei.semnat.pdf
1. anexa nr 2 formularul ofertei.semnat.pdf
ID: 6fce5ad7-c914-43b0-921e-6e4b0e808951
Financial proposal
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
2.1 anexa nr.1.docx lotul 3.semnat.pdf
2.1 anexa nr.1.docx lotul 3.semnat.pdf
ID: 8ed99b07-7270-4252-82f8-f289f66770c7
Financial proposal
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
2. anexa 1 lotul 1.semnat.pdf
2. anexa 1 lotul 1.semnat.pdf
ID: b08ac410-dfd8-4b9b-82c1-b8ba8e4fbf74
Financial proposal
Date of download:
24.02.22 14:51
Opening date:
1.03.22 11:07
The history of the auction
View auction
Unfortunately, questions can be asked only during the "Active" period.
Document successfully signed