Status Purchase has not taken place
Estimated value without VAT 50 000 MDL
Period of clarifications: 7 Oct 2020, 17:18 - 10 Oct 2020, 16:00
Submission of proposals: 10 Oct 2020, 16:00 - 13 Oct 2020, 18:00

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

Medicamente si materiale sanitare
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
MD-2072, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, bd.Cuza Voda 29/4
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Maria Pisariuc
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
7 Oct 2020, 17:18
Date modified
13 Oct 2020, 18:00 ID
33690000-3 - Diverse medicamente
Type of procedure
Low cost purchase
Award criteria
The lowest price
Funding sources
List of lots
Purchase has not taken place
Medicamente si materiale sanitare
Budget: 15000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Medicamente si materiale sanitare
Budget: 30000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
7 Oct 2020, 17:57
Question's name:
Specificația tehnică
Cum se leaga anuntul cu pozitiile la care trebuie de participat?
Answer (8 Oct 2020, 09:47):
В обьявлении включено 3 лота с позициями . на которые вы уделяете внимаие .
8 Oct 2020, 12:49
Question's name:
In invitatie este specificata "carne". Cred ca ati incurcat.
Answer (9 Oct 2020, 10:47):
ANUNȚ DE PARTICIPARE Lot nr.1 Nr d/o CPV Denumirea comună internaţională Doza Forma farmaceutică Mod de admini-strare Canti-tatea 1 336160001 Acidum hopentenicum 250mg comprimate Per os 500 2 336160001 Vinpocetinum 5 mg Comprimate Per os 200 3 336170008 Calcii gluconas fara color 500 mg Comprimate Per os 500 4 336323002 Kalii iodidum 200 mcg Comprimate Per os 100 5 336120003 Pancreatinum 4200 UI+3500 UI+250 UI Comprimate Per os 400 6 336322001 Tolperisonum 50 mg Comprimate Per os 50 7 336120003 Bacillus subtilis 106-107 Capsule Per os 800 8 336316008 Iodum 5% Sol. alc. Extern 10 9 336610001 Piracetamum 200 mg Comprimate Per os 400 10 336610001 Cinnarizinum 25mg Comprimate Per os 400 11 336316008 Verde de briliant 1% Sol. alc. Extern 15 12 336717008 Vincaminum 30 mg Capsule Per os 200 13 336621009 Cholini salicylas 20% 10 g Picături otice Extern 2 14 336925002 Thiaminum 5%, 1,0ml Sol. injectabilă Fiola 40 15 336160001 Magnesii lactas+Magnesii pidolas+Pyridoxinum 186mg+936mg+10mg/10ml Soluţie orală Per os 300 16 336160001 Magnesii lactas+Pyridoxinum 470mg+5mg Comprimate Per os 300 17 336610001 Glycinum 100 mg Comprimate Per os 500 18 336610001 Acidum gamma-aminobutyricum 250mg comprimate Per os 50 19 336925002 Pyridoxinum 5%, 1,0ml Sol. injectabilă Fiola 40 20 336314006 Amoxicillinum+Acidum Clavulanicum 400mg+57mg/ 5 ml Susp orala Per os 100 21 243225002 Spiritus aethylicus 100,0 70% Solutie cutanata Flacon 50 22 337500002 Zinci oxydum 25,0 unguent Tub 5 23 336613004 Diazepamum 10mg/2,5ml N5 extern Tub rect. 5 24 336613004 Diazepamum 5mg/2.5 ml N5 extern Tub.rect 5 25 336160001 Acidum ascorbicum 500 mg N30 comprimate Comprim 60 26 336620008 Oxymetazolinum 0,01% picaturi Flacon 10 27 336314006 Cefuroximum 125mg/5ml suspenzie Flacon 5 28 336422004 Dexamethasonum 4mg/ml Sol. injectabila Fiola 20 29 336610001 Valeriana officinalis Tinctura Per os 10 30 336620008 Xylometazolinum 0,05% picaturi extern 10 31 336160001 Acidum ascorbicum 0,05 comprimate Per os 500 32 1906090016 Simeticon 40mg/ml/30ml suspenzie Peros 5 33 0400340289 Diphenhydramin 1% 1ml/nr.10 Sol.injectabila Fiola 50 34 1300260226 Metamizol de Na 500mg/2ml Sol.injectabila Fiola 50 35 1909100022 Sulfacetamidumnatrium 20%/ml/10ml Picaturi oftalmice extern 10 36 336620008 Sol.Nazivin 0.01% Picaturi in nas extern 10 37 300490190 Mucaltin 50mg comprimate Peros 100 Suma 30000 lei Lot nr.2 1 331414200 Manusi n/s latex pentru examinare cu talc Medium Perechi 1000 2 331413106 Seringa cu ac 5 ml Bucată 100 3 331411159 Seringa cu ac 2 ml Bucata 200 4 331411159 Vata medicinala 70,0 g Pachet 40 5 Măsti de protectie bucata 500 6 Șampon pentru copii 0,500 ml bucata 60 Suma 15000 lei Lot nr.3 1 336730008 Extractum Plantaginis fluidim+ Natrii benzoas 10g + 205g/100ml Sirop Peros 10 2 336511009 Sulfamethoxazolum + Trimethoprimum 240 Mg/5ml/100 Sirop Peros 20 3 33674005 Ambroxolum 15mg/5ml sirop Flacon 30 4 336213002 Ferimax 50mg/5ml sirop Peros 5 5 0900010352 Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml/1 sirop Peros 20 6 336700007 Ingalipt sprai sprai extern 10 Suma 5000 lei
8 Oct 2020, 14:51
Question's name:
все лоты
проверьте, пожалуйста прикреплённое приглашение. На сайте указано медикаменты в приглашение мясо, яйца. Заранее благодарны за исправления и внесения ясности, что вам надо медикаменты или продукты питания. Хорошего дня!
Answer (9 Oct 2020, 10:49):
9 Oct 2020, 12:42
Question's name:
anuntul de participare
in anuntul vostru de participare sunt incluse mere si banane. poate e mai simplu sa va uitati si sa faceti schimbarile cuvenite? si fara atitea replici
Answer (9 Oct 2020, 17:08):
La anunti eu am finisat nu mai 3 loturi cu medicamente si materiale sanitare. eu nu a pus produse alimentare
Only authorized platform users may ask questions during the clarification period.