Status Purchase has not taken place
Estimated value without VAT 134 601,21 MDL
Period of clarifications: 29 Jun 2020, 13:38 - 14 Jul 2020, 9:00
Submission of proposals: 14 Jul 2020, 9:00 - 21 Jul 2020, 9:00

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.

Materiale de construcţie
Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
2012, MOLDOVA, mun.Chişinău, mun.Chişinău, str. Puskin, 42
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Diana Ignatiuc
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
29 Jun 2020, 13:38
Date modified
30 Jul 2020, 12:00 ID
44110000-4 - Materiale de construcţii
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Funding sources
List of lots
Lotul nr. 52 Daltă
Budget: 291.2 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 28 Chit siliconic
Budget: 188.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 7 Vopsea coler
Budget: 192.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 42 Perie
Budget: 67.2 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 54 Ciment
Budget: 700.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 10 Bandă adezivă
Budget: 1060.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 34 Pavaj
Budget: 50.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 36 Burghiu
Budget: 741.84 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 21 Gips-carton
Budget: 4266.1 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 41 Perie
Budget: 57.6 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 49 Discuri
Budget: 568.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 51 Discuri
Budget: 892.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 3 Vopsea coler
Budget: 192.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 37 Lame
Budget: 320.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 39 Rulouri
Budget: 93.31 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 32 Diblu
Budget: 238.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 31 Diblu
Budget: 1050.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 13 Folie
Budget: 3346.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 18 Izolant termic
Budget: 2678.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 27 Chit siliconic
Budget: 188.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 53 Pilă
Budget: 52.64 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 2 Vopsea coler
Budget: 268.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 40 Perie
Budget: 61.6 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 38 Rulouri
Budget: 339.2 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 47 Scară
Budget: 412.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 48 Scară
Budget: 573.6 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 35 Prelungitor
Budget: 76.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 4 Vopsea coler
Budget: 134.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 17 Prag
Budget: 3136.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 19 Clei PVA
Budget: 416.64 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 15 Grund universal
Budget: 1580.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 46 Cuţit
Budget: 74.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 56 Nisip
Budget: 240.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 11 Amestec uscat
Budget: 470.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 50 Discuri
Budget: 333.6 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 6 Vopsea coler
Budget: 192.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 33 Pavaj
Budget: 214.5 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 30 Diblu
Budget: 524.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 25 Uşă
Budget: 7555.2 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 22 Bandă adezivă
Budget: 281.41 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 43 Şpaclu
Budget: 70.4 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 5 Vopsea coler
Budget: 576.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 55 Piatră
Budget: 320.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 29 Şurub
Budget: 960.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 44 Şpaclu
Budget: 52.56 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lotul nr. 45 Şpaclu
Budget: 40.8 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
29 Jun 2020, 14:33
Question's name:
Buna ziua, care e sensul in repartizarea a sute de loturi? Cei care participa la astfel de licitatii va pot oferi tot in complex,dar pregatirea actelor pentru atitea loturi nu i atit de usor. Tre sa fie un pic de intelegere.
Answer (30 Jun 2020, 09:12):
Bună ziua! Repartizarea pe loturi s-a efectuat cu respectarea principiilor de reglementare a relaţiilor privind achiziţiile publice stipulate în art. 7 din Legea 131/2015 privind achizițiile publice, precum şi în conformitate cu prevederile art. 39 alin. (1) şi (2) potrivit căruia autoritatea contractantă are dreptul de a recurge la atribuirea pe loturi a contractelor de achiziţii publice şi a acordurilor-cadru şi, în acest caz, de a stabili dimensiunea şi obiectul loturilor, cu condiţia includerii acestor informaţii în documentația de atribuire. În sensul alin. (1), autoritatea contractantă stabilește obiectul fiecărui lot pe baze cantitative, adaptând dimensiunea contractelor individuale astfel încât să corespundă mai bine capacităţii întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, sau pe baze calitative, în conformitate cu diferitele meserii şi specializări implicate, pentru a adapta conţinutul contractelor individuale mai îndeaproape la sectoarele specializate ale întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii, sau în conformitate cu diferitele faze ulterioare ale proiectului.
8 Jul 2020, 16:40
Question's name:
Caiet de sarcini
Lotul nr.15 Grund universal (tip universal ),unde se va folosi -pentru pereti (beton,piatra) sau metal,lemn?
Answer (10 Jul 2020, 14:13):
Bună ziua! Grund universal pentru amorsarea tuturor tipurilor de suprafeţe absorbante
Only authorized platform users may ask questions during the clarification period.