Enquiry period
with 05.06.2020 10:32
to 15.06.2020 11:00
Bidding period
with 15.06.2020 11:00
to 23.06.2020 11:00
will not be used


Status Evaluation
Estimated value without VAT 256 643,68 MDL
Period of clarifications: 5 Jun 2020, 10:32 - 15 Jun 2020, 11:00
Submission of proposals: 15 Jun 2020, 11:00 - 23 Jun 2020, 11:00

Supplier technical support:

(+373) 79999801

This procedure is carried out without auction. Your offer is final and must contain the entire list of required documents.

Consumabile și accesorii medicale, pentru anul 2020

Information about customer
Fiscal code/IDNO
3505, MOLDOVA, Orhei, mun.Orhei, str. C.Negruzzi 85
Web site
The contact person
Full name
Fronea Angela
Contact phone
Purchase data
Date created
5 Jun 2020, 10:32
Date modified
9 Jun 2020, 16:19
Achizitii.md ID
33100000-1 - Echipamente medicale
Type of procedure
Open tender
Award criteria
The lowest price
Funding sources
List of lots
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 14 - Stilet butonat
Budget: 600.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 26 - Tub stomacal N26
Budget: 1350.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 31 - Suturi capron N0
Budget: 890.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 45 - Suturi capron N1
Budget: 920.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 47 - Cablu ECG
Budget: 2700.0 MDL
Lot nr. 48 - Suturi capron N3
Budget: 180.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 50 - Cablu ECG (3 lead)
Budget: 5000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 51 - Tub stomacal N28
Budget: 1350.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 79 - Stilet crestat
Budget: 600.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 82 - Sonda canulată
Budget: 512.28 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 118 - Pense auriculare
Budget: 200.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 124 - Cablu NIBP
Budget: 500.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 130 - Specule nazale
Budget: 1000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Purchase has not taken place
Lot nr. 134 - Sensor oxygen O2
Budget: 5000.0 MDL
Purchase has not taken place
Leduri pentru lampa de operatie
8 Jun 2020, 16:53
Question's name:
buna ziua... va rog sa explicati la pozitia LEDURI pt Lampa de operatie StarLED 3 NX ce inseamna seturi.
Answer (9 Jun 2020, 09:14):
Bună ziua. Lampa este formată din 3 "petale". Astfel, unitatea de măsură set presupune întreaga plată a unei "petale". Pentru detalii mai explicite puteți contacta bioinginerul: 078830542, Pavel.
9 Jun 2020, 13:19
Question's name:
Licența de activitate
Buna ziua! Stimata autoritate contractanta,consultati legislatia, deja nu se mai elibereaza licente. Revedeti lista documentelor solicitate!
Answer (9 Jun 2020, 16:21):
Buna ziua. Au fost operate modificări în cerintele de calificare din documentatia de atribuire.
10 Jun 2020, 14:34
Question's name:
Loturile 110-113 - Instrumente microchirurgicale
Valoarea estimativa este cu mult mai mica decit valoarea reala de piata a produselor. Аgentii economici vor depune oferte care vor depasi cu 30% valoarea estimativa si in asa caz ve-ti anula loturile.Revedeti valoarea estimativa la loturile date
Answer (11 Jun 2020, 10:33):
Bună ziua, Dvs sunteți eligibil să depuneți oferta comercială în conformitate cu politica de prețuri adoptată în compania Dvs fără nici o restricție. Autoritatea contractantă își menține poziția privind valoarea estimativă pentru fiecare lot.
Only authorized platform users may ask questions during the clarification period.